
    Entries drawn from the college history timeline

Fri., Mar. 28, 1924

This debate was held on March 28, 1924 in Bosler Hall. The question posed was: That the United States should enter the World Court as it is now constituted. Dickinson argued the affirmative, while Gettysburg argued the negative.

Event Type: Competitions
Thu., Feb. 26, 1925

This debate between Lebanon Valley College and Dickinson College was held on February 26, 1925 in Bosler Hall. The question posed was: That Congress should have the power by a two-thirds vote to make effective a federal law which has been declared unconstitutional by the United States Supreme...

Event Type: Competitions
Fri., Mar. 6, 1925

This debate was held on March 6, 1925 in Bosler Hall. The question posed was: That Congress should have the power by a two-thirds vote to make effective a federal law which has been pronounced unconstitutional by the United States Supreme Court. Dickinson College argued the affirmative, while...

Event Type: Competitions
Mon., Sep. 28, 1925

Phi Kappa Sigma was presented the Interfraternity Scholarship Cup by the president of the Interfraterity Council during chapel exercises. 

Event Type: Competitions
Fri., Feb. 25, 1927

This debate was held on February 25, 1927 in Bosler Hall. The question posed was: That the Volstead Act should be so modified as to permit the manufacture and sale of light wines and beer. Dickinson argued the affirmative, while State College argued the negative.

Event Type: Competitions
Fri., Mar. 8, 1928

This debate was held on March 2, 1928 in Bosler Hall. The question posed was: That the United States should abandon its extra-territorial rights in China. Dickinson handled the affirmative, while Oregon University took the negative.

Event Type: Competitions
Thu., Apr. 3, 1930

Alfred O. Keedy won a scholarship to Germany for having the highest average in German contest that consists of an oral and written test. This contest was sponsored by the students of German department. Harold W. Weigel and Robert Knupp finished second and third. Keedy decided to attend the...

Event Type: Competitions
Wed., Apr. 16, 1930

This debate was held on April 16, 1930. The question posed was: That the adoption of the Wisconsin Experimental College plan by the colleges of the United States would be beneficial to the undergraduate body. Dickinson handled the affirmative, while Washington and Jefferson took the negative....

Event Type: Competitions
Mon., May 12, 1930

Roy R. Kuebler won the Miller prize of $25 during the annual First year speech contest for excellence in forensic declamation. Louis C. Colburn won the Walkley second prize of $15 for excellence in dramatic declamation. W. Frederick Reinfurt and James March received honorable mentions. Kuebler's...

Event Type: Competitions
Wed., Apr. 15, 1931

Elwood J. Disque, '31, won the second annual German Award, a scholarship for studying in Germany provided by the German Club and German Department.  Disque was selected based on his performances in an oral and a written exam.

Event Type: Competitions
Thu., May 7, 1931

Harry Vincent received first place in the freshman oratorical contest, winning the Walkley Prize of $25 for general excellence in public speaking.  Vincent's oration was entitled "The Meaning of the Constitution of the United States".

Event Type: Competitions
Thu., May 21, 1931

Howard Kennedy won the junior oratorical contest on Thursday, May 21st, receiving the Pierson Prize.  His speech was on leadership; his main points were the various theories of leadership, the conditions necessary, the necessary qualities of character (spirit of responsibility, calmness,...

Event Type: Competitions
Mon., May 16, 1932

Edward First won first place in the final contest of the annual Freshman Oratorical Contest, held on May 16 in Union Philosophical Hall.  First performed "Patrick Henry--the Agitator" and received a prize of $25; the runner-up, Lois Eddy, performed "Yellow Butterflies" and received $15.

Event Type: Competitions
Fri., May 27, 1932

DeHaven Woodcock, '33, won the junior oratorical contest for the Pierson Prize with the oration "Optimism".  Francis Geiger and William Wardell tied for second place.

Event Type: Competitions
Sun., Feb. 26, 1933

The Men's Glee Club performed a concert of sacred music at Allison Memorial church.  The event was sponsored by Allison's Young People's Fellowship and was attended by parishioners and Dickinsonians.

Event Type: Competitions, Performances, Films, and Exhibits
Mon., May 21, 1934

The winner of the first year declamation contest for the Walkley Prize was John Palen with his presentation of Harve Allen's "The Blind Man." Helen O'Hara won second place with her presentation of "The Death of the Traitor." Eighteen first years entered the competition.

Event Type: Competitions
Wed., Oct. 30, 1940

The Union Philosophical Society held a trial debate on the question of whether the United States should join the British Commonwealth of Nations.  The negative debaters won, 3-0.

Event Type: Competitions
Wed., Apr. 23, 1941

The Union Philosophical Society won its annual debate with the Belles Lettres Literary Society on Wednesday, April 23, 1941.  The question was "Resolved that there should be no faculty censoring of The Dickinsonian, the Microcosm, the Horn Book, or any other...

Event Type: Competitions
Sun., May 3, 1959

The annual Zeta Tau Alpha Songfest was a competition sponsored by zeta chapters on their respective campuses across the United States on May 3, 1959. The proceeds of this competition went to the Cerebral Palsy Division of the National Society for Crippled Children and Adults. The competition was...

Event Type: Competitions
Sat., Feb. 12, 1972

The First Annual Dickinson Chess Tournament was held on the 12th and 13th of February. Over fifty people entered the tournament. One of the seven entrants who won awards included Dickinson physics professor T. Scott Smith. 

Event Type: Competitions
Fri., Apr. 14, 1972

The Dickinson College Chess Team won the championship in the Eastern Pennsylvania Collegiate Chess League after defeating Gettysburg College and Lebanon Valley College. In the Pan-American Intercollegiate Chess Team Championship in Toronto, Canada, a four-man team from Dickinson won second place...

Event Type: Competitions
Sun., Apr. 25, 1976

Dickinson hosted three bicycle races on April 25.  The A race was 30 miles and the B race was 15 mils and the track was on Cherry, Louther, and West Street and was one mile in circumference.

Event Type: Athletic Events, Competitions


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