Lectures and Symposia

    Entries drawn from the college history timeline

Sun., May 20, 1984

The general secretary of the South African Council of Churches, Reverend Desmond M. Tutu, spoke at the Baccalaureate service during commencement weekend for the 1983-1984 academic year.

Event Type: Lectures and Symposia
Sun., May 20, 1984

Paul Martin Simon, Illinois Congressman from 1973-85 and Senator from 1985-97, addressed the College as part of its 1984 Commencement exercises. Rep. Simon also received an honorary degree from the College.

Event Type: Academic Ceremonies, Lectures and Symposia
Mon., Oct. 8, 1984

Dr. Michael Carrera urged a broader view of sex and integration of sexuality with life to over 250 students in the Anita Tuvin Schlechter Auditorium who came to hear him speak. Carrera, sponsored by the Sexuality Resource Group as part of Sexuality Education Week, was a regular columnist for...

Event Type: Lectures and Symposia
Sat., Oct. 20, 1984

An alumni symposium entitled "Four Dickinsonians with Professions in the Arts" was held in the Weiss Center in conjunction with a retrospective exhibit of Professor Dennis Akin's works.

Event Type: Lectures and Symposia
Tue., Oct. 23, 1984

Wellness Week, sponsored by the Student Health Advisory Counsel, put on a week of guest speakers and exercise events encouraging individuals to take charge of their health through positive lifestyle changes. The program emphasized eating well, exercising, and stress management as they key...

Event Type: Lectures and Symposia
Wed., Oct. 31, 1984

The third annual Metzger Series featured four female alumnae from various walks of life. Chosen by the Steering Committee and selected for diversity in age, occupation, and family life, Mary Ann Altman, Pamela Ford, Louise Greenberg, and Martha Lester represented careers in law, ministry,...

Event Type: Lectures and Symposia
Sun., Feb. 17, 1985

The Public Affairs symposium, the topic of which was "The Media: An Inside Look", opened with an address by Jody Powell, former press secretary to President Jimmy Carter. Each day of the symposium focused on a particular facet of the issue of social and cultural effects of media on society,...

Event Type: Lectures and Symposia
Sun., May 19, 1985

Isidor Isaac Rabi, nuclear physicist and winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics, addressed the College as part of its 1985 Commencement exercises. Dr. Rabi also received an honorary degree from the College.

Event Type: Academic Ceremonies, Lectures and Symposia
Tue., Sep. 17, 1985

Dickinson students and faculty members protested before the United States Attorney General Edwin Meese III's "major policy address" in ATS on Tuesday, September 17, 1985.  Meese's speech reinforced the Reagan Administration's commitment to the abolition of race and gender quotas in American...

Event Type: Lectures and Symposia, Protest and Conflict
Thu., Oct. 30, 1985

Rosalyn K. Robinson '68, Dr. Marjorie L. King '75, Elizabeth G. Wylie, Capt. US.N. '61, Rosalie R. Dunkle '50, and Anne Hollister '54 visit campus for a three-day residency during which they participate in presentations and discussions on career opportunities, leadership roles for women, and the...

Event Type: Lectures and Symposia
Wed., Feb, 12, 1986

Tobias Wolff, an American author and short-story writer, taught Professor Robert Olmstead's advanced writing class on Wednesday, February 12, 1986, and gave readings of his work to a full crowd at the Bernard Center.

His readings included "Hunters in the Snow" and "In the Garden of the...

Event Type: Lectures and Symposia
Mon., Apr. 21, 1986

Josh Friedman, a two-time Pulitzer Prize winning journalist, spoke on the topic of journalism in the Third World at the Bernard Center on Monday, April 21, 1986. Friedman emphasized that countries such as Ethiopia, Lebanon, and Cuba, where most news is censored and manipulated, lack the freedom...

Event Type: Lectures and Symposia
Sun., Sep. 8, 1986

Sexuality Resource Group organized Sexuality Education Week. The week, filled with education movies, discussions, and debates, was topped by keynote speaker Mary Koss, with her lecture "Outrageous Acts and Everyday Seductions", based on her research with campus violence. Koss is a professor of...

Event Type: Lectures and Symposia
Tue., Oct. 7, 1986

Stuart Merl, physician at the Carlisle Hospital, discussed "The Ethical Implications of AIDS". During the late 1970s, Merl worked with a group that discovered the AIDS virus. Merl "denied the idea that it is the curse of the homosexual saying , "It is not only a gay disease". He then moved on to...

Event Type: Lectures and Symposia
Wed., Oct. 8, 1986

Celebrated theoretical physicist and futurist Fritjof Capra delivered a lecture on "Crisis and Transformation in Science and Society" relating to Capra's physical theories and political questions. Capra, with a PhD. in theoretical physics at the University of Vienna, focused his research on...

Event Type: Lectures and Symposia
Mon., Oct. 20, 1986

Patrick Brady, professor at Rice University, gave a lecture entitled "Impressionism and the Return to the Rococo", comparing the two art forms. Brady noted that even though the societies differed, the artists had the same goal in mind, to create a "sequence of affinities- a natural personal...

Event Type: Lectures and Symposia
Tue., Oct. 21, 1986

Dickinson featured four returning alumnae for the annual Metzger Series, which took place from October 21-24.The women, Mary Douglass Glasspool, Anne Hollister, Gina Weiner, and Joanne Wisor, spoke to various classes, attended a dinner with different campus organizations, and gave a panel...

Event Type: Lectures and Symposia
Tue., Jan. 20, 1987

In a mid-year convocation ceremony, the college celebrated its relationship with Bremen University in Germany. Jurgen Timm, Rector of Bremen University, gave an address and was awarded an honorary degree as Doctor of Science by the college. Timm has published in the fields of mathematics,...

Event Type: Academic Ceremonies, Lectures and Symposia
Sun., Feb. 15, 1987

The Public Affairs Symposium, entitled "Sport: Its Place in Society", was held February 15-18th. The symposium featured keynote speaker Howard Cosell, host of Monday Night Football for 13 years. Cosell was followed by Dr. Donna Lopiano, a former All-American athlete and Director of...

Event Type: Lectures and Symposia
Tue., Mar. 3, 1987

The printer Leonard Baskin, recipient of the 1963 Arts Award, gave an address in Rubendall Recital Hall prior to the opening reception for an exhibition of his work displayed in the Trout Gallery titled "Leonard Baskin: Aspects of his Graphic Works."

Event Type: Lectures and Symposia
Sun., May 17, 1987

Martha E. Church, President of Hood College from 1975-95, addressed Dickinson College as part of its 1987 Commencement exercises. Dr. Church also received an honorary degree from the College.

Event Type: Lectures and Symposia
Fri., Oct. 14, 1987

For the first year, the Metzger Series was expanded to include men.  Three male (Donald Graves '53, Stuart Pankin '68, Chuck Strum '70) and three female (Katherine Baker '73, Denise Grycky Wagner '77, Helen Witt '55) former college residents discussed their careers and the influence that...

Event Type: Lectures and Symposia
Fri., Oct. 16, 1987

Jonathan Spence, Professor of History at Yale University, was chosen to give a lecture, entitled, "Cultural Crossings: China and France in the 18th Century," on October 16th, 1987 as part of the Morgan Lectureship series, a program created by the Board of Trustees in 1929 in honor of James Henry...

Event Type: Lectures and Symposia
Sun., Feb. 7, 1988

Safer Sex Week, a program that was created by The Sexuality Resource Group (SRG), began on February 7th and continued until Thursday, February 18th. The week was dedicated to educating Dickinson students how to have safe sex, how to communicate properly, how to use contraceptives, and how to...

Event Type: Lectures and Symposia
Sun., Feb. 14, 1988

The Public Affairs Symposium began on February 14th, 1988 entitled: "American Education: Writing the Next Chapter." The focus of the Symposium, which had a total of 15 sessions and discussions, was on the educational system and trends of that time period. 

Event Type: Lectures and Symposia


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