Harry A. Blackmun Visits Law School, Gives Address

Date of Event
Tue., Feb. 9, 1993

Harry A. Blackmun, Supreme Court Justice from 1970-1994, was invited by the Dickinson Law School to speak about his experiences. Justice Blackmun, who wrote the majority opinion in the Court's 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, was picketed by a handful of anti-abortion protesters outside of the Anita Tuvin Schlechter Auditorium, where he gave an address to the general public.

Series of Talks for Week of Prayer

Date of Event
Tue., Feb. 25, 1919

Rev. Sumwalk of the Grace Methodist Episcopal Church have a talk on the Centenary Movement of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The movement focuses on the evangelization of the entire world and transcends denominational boundaries in Christianity. He gave another speech on Christ's Temptation. Mrs. St. John of Tientsin, China, gave a lecture on the topic of missions in China. Rev. Feton gave a talk emphasizes the need for leadership in both foreign and domestic missionary work.