Paul Peyton Appenzellar (1875-1953)
Born on October 24, 1875 in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania to David K. and Elizabeth (Fohl) Appenzellar, Paul Peyton Appenzellar went to preparatory school in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania as well as Dickinson preparatory school in Carlisle. He entered the College in 1891 and in 1895 received his A.B. in the Latin-Scientific Section. During his college years Paul Appenzellar was the vice president of his sophomore class, a member of Beta Theta Pi Fraternity, the Whist Club, the Blaine Republican Club, and the Press Club. He was also manager of the Baseball Team.
Following graduation, he went on to teach at the Dickinson Preparatory School for two years. By 1905, he had become a member of a firm specializing in investment banking and soon thereafter became Director of the New York Railways Company. He married Edna Howell of New York City on March 2, 1909. Appenzellar created the firm of Swartwont and Appenzellar and became a member of the N.Y. Stock Exchange. He served on the boards of various New York-based companies, including the Dictaphone Corporation, which he helped found.
Soon after his exchange firm was purchased by the company of Merrill, Lynch, Pierre, Fenner & Beane, Appenzellar retired on money made from his investments and involvements with various organizations, including the National Republican Club.