Dickinson Alumnus, February 1930
Selected Highlights from this Issue
- A group of alumni donated a portrait of James Wilson, one of Dickinson's founders.
- Professor Leon C. Prince sustained serious injury after a severe car crash on the way back from the Dickinson Club of Washington.
- Fred P. Corson (class of 1917) was appointed superintendent of the Brooklyn South District of the Methodist Episcopal church.
- Trustee Boyd Lee Spahr (class of 1900) asked alumni to send in Dickinsoniana for display in the new museum located in Old West.
- Brigadier General Frank R. Keefer (class of 1885), who served as an assistant Surgeon during the Spanish-American War, described "an act of valor he performed" during the conflict.
- Professor John F. Mohler (class of 1887), head of the Physics department for 34 years, died at the age of 65.
- Former President George Edward Reed died at the age of 83.
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