Dickinson Alumnus, May 1935

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • Dr. Fred P. Corson (class of 1917) became the 20th president during his inauguration in May. 
  • William Edward Matthews Jr. (class of 1919) was elected to the State Senate of Delaware.
  • Over 300 prospective students and their families visited campus on "Sub-Freshman Day." 
  • The Alumnus published the Class of 1934 directory, which included each member's address and occupation.
Other Topics

Dickinson Alumnus, December 1932

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • Dickinson purchased the Mooreland Tract for $50,000, which expanded the campus.
  • The Alumni Council recommended creating a fund to solicit annual donations. 
  • Members of the soccer team received varsity letters for the first time.
  • Wilbur L. Adams (class of 1905) was elected to the House of Representatives. 
  • William D. Thomas (class of 1912), president of Sandvik Steel, Inc., became a Knight of the Kingdom of Sweden as a result of his work with the American Association of Fine Steel Importers.
  • Edmund S. Snyder (class of 1929) wrote "A Glimpse of John Dickinson" for the Alumnus.
  • Former Professor Morris W. Prince died at the age of 89.

Dickinson Alumnus, February 1930

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • A group of alumni donated a portrait of James Wilson, one of Dickinson's founders.
  • Professor Leon C. Prince sustained serious injury after a severe car crash on the way back from the Dickinson Club of Washington.
  • Fred P. Corson (class of 1917) was appointed superintendent of the Brooklyn South District of the Methodist Episcopal church.
  • Trustee Boyd Lee Spahr (class of 1900) asked alumni to send in Dickinsoniana for display in the new museum located in Old West.
  • Brigadier General Frank R. Keefer (class of 1885), who served as an assistant Surgeon during the Spanish-American War, described "an act of valor he performed" during the conflict.
  • Professor John F. Mohler (class of 1887), head of the Physics department for 34 years, died at the age of 65.
  • Former President George Edward Reed died at the age of 83. 