Dickinson Alumnus, February 1924

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • The Alumni Association framed new bylaws that involve the nomination and election of new members of the Alumni Council. 
  • Dickinson College asked alumni for donations to support the library, which was located in Bosler Hall.
  • The Dickinson faculty adopted seven new rules of eligibility for athletes.
  • Philip S. Moyer (class of 1906) was appointed Deputy Attorney General of Pennsylvania.
  • William S. Snyder (class of 1894) was elected Right Worshipful Grand Junior Warden of the Grand Lodge of Masonry in Pennsylvania- a distinguished position. 

Dickinson Alumnus, December 1932

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • Dickinson purchased the Mooreland Tract for $50,000, which expanded the campus.
  • The Alumni Council recommended creating a fund to solicit annual donations. 
  • Members of the soccer team received varsity letters for the first time.
  • Wilbur L. Adams (class of 1905) was elected to the House of Representatives. 
  • William D. Thomas (class of 1912), president of Sandvik Steel, Inc., became a Knight of the Kingdom of Sweden as a result of his work with the American Association of Fine Steel Importers.
  • Edmund S. Snyder (class of 1929) wrote "A Glimpse of John Dickinson" for the Alumnus.
  • Former Professor Morris W. Prince died at the age of 89.

Dickinson Alumnus, February 1928

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • President James H. Morgan (class of 1878) was a patient at the Carlisle Hospital for four weeks after several months of poor health.
  • Dr. Zatae Longsdorff Straw (class of 1887), the first woman to graduate from Dickinson College, announced her campaign for the New Hampshire State Senate.
  • Dickinson's basketball team celebrated its seventh year in a row without a loss.
  • The dedication ceremony for the corner stone of the new Alumni Gymnasium was set for Commencement in June 1928.
  • Major Robert Y. Stuart (class of 1903) was named chief of the United States Forest Service.
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