Dickinson Alumnus, September 1936

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • Railroad tracks on High Street in Carlisle were removed and rerouted north of town. 
  • Lemuel Towers Appold (class of 1882)  bequeathed one-half of his estate to Dickinson, which was the largest in the College's history. 
  • Dean M. Hoffman (class of 1902) was elected Phi Delta Theta national president. 
  • Whitfield J. Bell (class of 1935) discussed the Belles Lettres Literary Society's 150 year history. 
  • Delaware Republicans nominated Harry L. Cannon (class of 1899) and George C. Hering Jr. (class of 1917) for Governor and Lieutenant-Governor, respectively. 
  • King Edward VIII honored Dr. J. Roy Strock (class of 1903), Head of the Andhra Christian College in India, with the Kaiser-i-Hind medal, first class.

Dickinson Alumnus, February 1924

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • The Alumni Association framed new bylaws that involve the nomination and election of new members of the Alumni Council. 
  • Dickinson College asked alumni for donations to support the library, which was located in Bosler Hall.
  • The Dickinson faculty adopted seven new rules of eligibility for athletes.
  • Philip S. Moyer (class of 1906) was appointed Deputy Attorney General of Pennsylvania.
  • William S. Snyder (class of 1894) was elected Right Worshipful Grand Junior Warden of the Grand Lodge of Masonry in Pennsylvania- a distinguished position. 

Dickinson Alumnus, August 1927

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • The General Alumni Association paid tribute to President Lemuel Towers Appold (class of 1882), who retired after six years.
  • Dickinson was acknowledged as one of two colleges in Pennsylvania that were "free from legal bonds to some church denomination."
  • The Athletic Committee elected Bob Duffy as the head football coach for the 1927 season.
  • The 114th Commencement was filmed for the first time with "recently developed amateur cameras."
Other Topics

Dickinson Alumnus, November 1923

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • The Alumni Association of Dickinson College reorganized and adopted a new constitution.
  • The College Band performed wearing new Dickinson uniforms for the first time at Island Park in Harrisburg in the game against Gettysburg.
  • Conway W. Hillman (class of 1873) shared his recollections of the Confederate bombardment of Carlisle and Dickinson College during the Civil War in 1863. 
  • J. Banks Kurtz (class of 1893) was elected to the House of Congress Representatives.
  • Joseph K. Lightner became the head Football coach after Athletic director B. Russell Murphy resigned.
  • The old College Chapel in Old West became Memorial Hall, which honored those Dickinsonians who served in World War I. 
  • Professor Franklin T. Baker (class of 1885) celebrated his thirty first year teaching English at the Teachers College at Columbia University.

Dickinson Alumnus, November 1924

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • Dickinsonians formed an Inter-Fraternity Alumni Council to co-operate with the student Inter-Fraternity Council. 
  • Architect William W. Emmert revealed plans for a new gymnasium.
  • Lemuel Towers Appold (class of 1882), President of the General Alumni Association, started remodeling the northeast corner room in the basement of Old West.
  • East College  reopened after renovations improved the entrances and interior spaces.
  • Four out of seven members of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania either graduated or received honorary degrees from Dickinson.
  • President James H. Morgan (class of 1878) appealed to alumni to donate documentation of the College's early history in order to preserve it.