Dickinson Alumnus, May 1937

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • New song book Songs of Dickinson, which was dedicated General Horatio C. King (class of 1858), was ready for publication at Commencement. 
  • Mary Love Collins (class of 1902), President of Chi Omega, attended a ceremony at the White House in which First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt awarded the National Achievement Award of Chi Omega to actress Katherine Cornell.
  • President Fred Corson (class of 1917) discussed whether there were "too many college graduates" and explained how Dickinson helped graduates find jobs.
  • The Letort Hotel, located at the southeast corner of High and East Streets, was torn down and replaced by a gas station. 

Dickinson Alumnus, February 1937

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • President Fred Pierce Corson (class of 1917) spoke at Professor Leon Cushing Prince's (class of 1898) funeral. 
  • The Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church praised Dr. Julia Morgan (class of 1911) and Clara Bell Smith (class of 1911) for their missionary work in China. 
  • An anonymous faculty member wrote a short biography for former President James Henry Morgan's (class of 1878) 80th birthday, which the Alumnus reprinted.
  • Dr. Herbert Newhard Shenton (class of 1906), professor of sociology and head of that department at Syracuse University, died of a heart attack. 

Dickinson Alumnus, December 1936

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • Mrs. Paul Appenzellar (class of 1895) agreed to pay for alterations to the front of the President's House. 
  • Dickinson purchased five new properties to enlarge Biddle Field. 
  • The Board of Trustees approved plans to renovate the Mooreland House and rename it as the Baird Biology Building. 
  • Robert F. Rich (class of 1907) was elected to the House of Representatives. 
  • The Athletic Board of Control decided to withdraw Dickinson from the Eastern Collegiate Athletic Conference at the end of the football season.

Dickinson Alumnus, September 1936

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • Railroad tracks on High Street in Carlisle were removed and rerouted north of town. 
  • Lemuel Towers Appold (class of 1882)  bequeathed one-half of his estate to Dickinson, which was the largest in the College's history. 
  • Dean M. Hoffman (class of 1902) was elected Phi Delta Theta national president. 
  • Whitfield J. Bell (class of 1935) discussed the Belles Lettres Literary Society's 150 year history. 
  • Delaware Republicans nominated Harry L. Cannon (class of 1899) and George C. Hering Jr. (class of 1917) for Governor and Lieutenant-Governor, respectively. 
  • King Edward VIII honored Dr. J. Roy Strock (class of 1903), Head of the Andhra Christian College in India, with the Kaiser-i-Hind medal, first class.