Dickinson Alumnus, February 1937

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • President Fred Pierce Corson (class of 1917) spoke at Professor Leon Cushing Prince's (class of 1898) funeral. 
  • The Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church praised Dr. Julia Morgan (class of 1911) and Clara Bell Smith (class of 1911) for their missionary work in China. 
  • An anonymous faculty member wrote a short biography for former President James Henry Morgan's (class of 1878) 80th birthday, which the Alumnus reprinted.
  • Dr. Herbert Newhard Shenton (class of 1906), professor of sociology and head of that department at Syracuse University, died of a heart attack. 

Dickinson Alumnus, December 1939

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • Former President James Henry Morgan (class of 1878) died at the age of 83.
  • The Alumnus published President Fred Corson's (class 1917) and Pastor W. E. Hartman's addresses at Morgan's funeral as well as the Dickinsonian's editorial on Morgan’s personality.
  • The College awarded contracts for renovating Bosler Hall.
  • Dr. Charles William Super (class of 1866) died, which made Dr. Thomas S. Dunning (class of 1867) the oldest living alumnus. 

Dickinson Alumnus, February 1927

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • With a model of the proposed Gymnasium on display in the library, alumni were asked for contributions.
  • Rev. Edmund Davison Soper (class of 1898), Dean of the School of Religion and Vice-President at Duke University, featured in an article that detailed his life's achievements.  
  • West Nottingham Academy Headmaster J. Paul Slaybaugh (class of 1921) honored Benjamin Rush with a memorial gateway on their campus in Colora, Maryland.
  • Dr. Frank M. L. Houck (class of 1910) became assistant director of Johns Hopkins Hospital. 
  • Professor Henry Vethake's 1827 catalog was discovered and became the earliest bound catalog in the college's possession. 
  • Former President George Edward Reed published "The College and the "Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching," the final article a series entitled "Reminiscences of Dickinson."

Dickinson Alumnus, September 1934

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • The Board of Trustees elected Dr. Fred P. Corson (class of 1917) as the next President of the College. Before starting the new position, President-elect Corson's family departed from California on a three month world cruise. James H. Morgan (class of 1878) served as Acting President since Dr. Karl T. Waugh's resignation. 
  • The College secured a Federal Emergency Relief Administration grant, which allowed 68 students to work part-time jobs at Dickinson and earn up to $150 during the academic year. 
  • The Board of Trustees established the Dickinson College Athletic Board consisting of eight members to handle athletic affairs at the College. 
  • The Alumnus published John Dickinson's 1934 Commencement address entitled "Political Thought of John Dickinson." Dickinson worked as  United States Assistant Secretary of Commerce.
  • John S. Bursk, a member of the Board of Trustees from 1895 to 1912 as well as Treasurer and Superintendent of Grounds and Buildings for fifteen years, died in August 1934.
Other Topics

Dickinson Alumnus, December 1933

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • The College celebrated the sesquicentennial over three days with a number of events, such as a play ("The Pagent of Dickinson") and a special convocation. The Alumnus published the remarks of those who spoke at convocation, including President Morgan, Professor John Baillie, and Princeton University President Harold W. Dodds. 
  • Nine portraits of distinguished Dickinsonians were presented to the College at the sesquicentennial dinner, including Benjamin Rush, Matthew Brown, William Henry Denny, William Henry Allen, Robert Alexander Lamberton, Richard Alexander Fullerton Penrose, John Hays, Edward William Biddle, and John Frederick Mohler. Rutgers University President Robert C. Clothier delivered an address at the event. 
  • President James Henry Morgan (class of 1878)  named Professor Ernest Vuilleumier acting Dean of the College and Professor Lewis G. Rohrbaugh (class of 1907) as Dean of the Freshman Class. 
  • Omicron Delta Kappa announced their plans to publish a new edition of the college song book. 
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Dickinson Alumnus, August 1924

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • The Board of Trustees discussed remodeling East College, increasing tuition, and limiting the number of female students admitted. 
  • Dr. Richard C. Norris (class of 1884) venerated as surgeon-in-chief in charge of the Preston Retreat maternity hospital in Philadelphia, PA.
  • Prof. Earnest Albert Vuilleumier invented a device called the Dickinson Solids Hydrometer. 
  • Alumni formed the Dickinson Club of Carlisle and elected Merkel Landis (class of 1896) as president.

Dickinson Alumnus, May 1933

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • Plans for the Sesqui-Centennial Commencement in June included a ball, pageant, and an Alumni luncheon on the new Mooreland tract.
  • Alumni formed new clubs in Boston and Reading.
  • The Alumni Council helped organize the first vocational conference held at Dickinson. 
  • Trustee J. Horace McFarland praised James Henry Morgan's (class of 1878) forthcoming book on the history of Dickinson College. 
  • R. Y. Stuart (class of 1903), Chief Forester of the US Forest Service, described the impact of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's unemployment relief bill in "That 250,000" Man Job." 

Dickinson Alumnus, April 1931

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • President Mervin Grant Filler (class of 1893) died at age 57 in Philadelphia. 
  • Hundreds of students, alumni, and faculty attended President Filler's funeral at Allison Memorial Methodist Church.
  • The Board of Trustees appointed former President James H. Morgan (class of 1878) as temporary President
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Dickinson Alumnus, August 1929

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • The College revealed plans for extensive improvements, including remodeling Old West, Denny Hall, Biddle Field, and furnishing Conway Hall. 
  • The Board of Trustees recognized former President James H. Morgan (class of 1878) and Professor Bradford O. McIntire for their years of service to the school. Trustees established a Morgan Lectureship Fund and appointed McIntire as Professor Emeritus, the fist in Dickinson's history.
  • Charles K. Zug (class of 1880), a former member of the Alumni Council and Board of Trustees, died in his home.
  • Brothers from the Class of 1870, Philip L. Cannon and trustee Henry P. Cannon, died within two months of each other.
  • Roscoe O. Bonisteel (class of 1912) was elected to the office of most worshipful grand master of the grand lodge of Masons of Michigan.
  • The Alumnus published photographs from the Alumni Parade held in June 1929. 
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Dickinson Alumnus, August 1928

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • President James Henry Morgan (class of 1878) retired as President in August 1928.
  • The Board of Trustees elected Professor Marvin Grant Filler (class of 1893) as the eighteenth president. 
  • Professor Montgomery Porter Sellers (class of 1893) was appointed Dean of Faculty. 
  • Boyd Lee Spahr (class of 1900), head of the Alumni Association, spoke at the Alumni Gymnasium's corner-stone laying exercise held on Alumni Day in June 1928. 
  • William G. Thomas (class of 1898) was appointed Judge of Carbon County, Pennsylvania. 
  • Arthur J. Hepburn (class of 1896) was one of five captains promoted to the rank of Admiral. 

Dickinson Alumnus, February 1928

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • President James H. Morgan (class of 1878) was a patient at the Carlisle Hospital for four weeks after several months of poor health.
  • Dr. Zatae Longsdorff Straw (class of 1887), the first woman to graduate from Dickinson College, announced her campaign for the New Hampshire State Senate.
  • Dickinson's basketball team celebrated its seventh year in a row without a loss.
  • The dedication ceremony for the corner stone of the new Alumni Gymnasium was set for Commencement in June 1928.
  • Major Robert Y. Stuart (class of 1903) was named chief of the United States Forest Service.
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Dickinson Alumnus, November 1926

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • Frank R. Keefer (class of 1885) was appointed senior colonel of the Medical Corps by President Calvin Coolidge.
  • Dickinson, Gettysburg, Franklin & Marshall, Muhlenberg, and Ursinus formed the Eastern Collegiate Athletic Conference.
  • The Athletic Conference Symposium adopted a new set of eligibility rules for the schools in the Eastern Collegiate Athletic Conference. 
  • Students raised money to support Dickinson professors and alumni teaching in China.
  • James Gordon Steese (class of 1902), president of the Alaska Road Commission, was appointed Brigadier General of the Alaska National Guard.
  • Former President George Edward Reed published "A Period of Construction," the eighth in a series entitled "Reminiscences of Dickinson."
Other Topics

Dickinson Alumnus, November 1924

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • Dickinsonians formed an Inter-Fraternity Alumni Council to co-operate with the student Inter-Fraternity Council. 
  • Architect William W. Emmert revealed plans for a new gymnasium.
  • Lemuel Towers Appold (class of 1882), President of the General Alumni Association, started remodeling the northeast corner room in the basement of Old West.
  • East College  reopened after renovations improved the entrances and interior spaces.
  • Four out of seven members of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania either graduated or received honorary degrees from Dickinson.
  • President James H. Morgan (class of 1878) appealed to alumni to donate documentation of the College's early history in order to preserve it.

Dickinson Alumnus, May 1923

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • The Athletics Committee appointed B. Russell Murphy as football coach and physical director.
  • Robert Y. Stuart (class of 1903) was named State Forestry Commissioner of Pennsylvania.
  • Chemistry Professor Ernest Vuilleumier invented a device to measure the alcoholic content of any liquid, which he named the Dickinson Alchometer.
  • Dickinson launched the Endowment Campaign to help answer the school's debt.
  • History Professor Leon C. Prince (class of 1898) discussed key moments in Dickinson College's history.
  • Trickett Hall, the home of the Dickinson School of Law, opened in 1917 after years of planning and construction.