- Various classes returned to the college for reunions during the recent commencement weekend, and the Class of 1903 presented a plan for various campus improvements, such as planting a variety of trees and bushes, as a gift to the college. ...
- The Alumni Association framed new bylaws that involve the nomination and election of new members of the Alumni Council.
- Dickinson College asked alumni for donations to support the library, which was located in Bosler Hall.
- ...
- The Athletics Committee appointed B. Russell Murphy as football coach and physical director.
- Robert Y. Stuart (class of 1903) was named State Forestry Commissioner of Pennsylvania.
- Chemistry Professor Ernest Vuilleumier...
- The Dickinson Relay Team won the Middle Atlantic State Association Championship.
- Members of the General Alumni Association nominated ten individuals to serve as officers on the Alumni Council.
- The Alumnus...
- The Alumni Association of Dickinson College reorganized and adopted a new constitution.
- The College Band performed wearing new Dickinson uniforms for the...