Dickinson Alumnus, May 1925

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • Former President George Edward Reed published "Inauguration and Early Experiences," the second in a series entitled "Reminiscences of Dickinson."
  • The American Council of Education tested freshmen to evaluate the school's comparative ranking. 
  • Former President James Andrew McCauley was honored on Alumni day during the dedication of the McCauley Room in Old West .
  • Ten Dickinsonians served as District Superintendents for the Methodist Episcopal Church.
  • John Bannister Gibson (class of 1798) was one of Pennsylvania's leading jurists.
Other Topics

Dickinson Alumnus, February 1924

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • The Alumni Association framed new bylaws that involve the nomination and election of new members of the Alumni Council. 
  • Dickinson College asked alumni for donations to support the library, which was located in Bosler Hall.
  • The Dickinson faculty adopted seven new rules of eligibility for athletes.
  • Philip S. Moyer (class of 1906) was appointed Deputy Attorney General of Pennsylvania.
  • William S. Snyder (class of 1894) was elected Right Worshipful Grand Junior Warden of the Grand Lodge of Masonry in Pennsylvania- a distinguished position. 