Dickinson Alumnus, December 1945

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • The Board of Trustees started planning for a new women's dormitory and authorized improvements in other areas of campus, including repairs to East College and renovations to chemical laboratories. 
  • The Faculty approved plans that allowed World War II veterans to enroll every eight weeks throughout the school year.
  • Donald E. Austin (class of 1938) was freed from a Japanese prisoner of war camp at Batvia, Dutch East Indies, after three years.
  • Robert M. Fortney (class of 1920) was elected president judge of Northumberland County, Pennsylvania. His opponent was John L. Pipa (class of 1922). 
  • Major Frederick B. Schaeffer (class of 1942) piloted one of the B-29s that made aviation history with their non-stop flight from Chicago to Tokyo, Japan. 
  • Colonel James Gordon Steese (class of 1902) received the Legion of Merit for his work in the Panama Canal zone during the war. 
  • A number of Dickinsonians were involved in the Manhattan Project, including Ray Henry Crist (class of 1920) and Fred L. Mohler (class of 1914).

Dickinson Alumnus, February 1936

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • The College officially launched the Annual Fund, which promoted annual giving. 
  • Dickinson's Teacher Placement Bureau helped recent graduates find jobs at schools across the country. 
  • The Board of Trustees authorized several changes to the College seal, including adding the date of the founding - 1783. 
  • Colbert N. Kurokawa (class of 1922) was part of an effort to establish the Hawaii Center in Kyoto, Japan. 
  • Arthur Japy Hepburn (class of 1896) was appointed Admiral of the United States Fleet and Stanley Dunbar Embick (class of 1897) was promoted to Major General. 
  • Gen. James G. Steese (class of 1902) wrote an article about his trip to Australia in 1930 in "The Trans-Australia Railway."

Dickinson Alumnus, September 1935

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • President Fred P. Corson (class of 1917) opened the new school year with an address entitled "College an Aptitude Test for Life." 
  • Marjorie L. McIntire (class of 1910) became the first woman elected to the Alumni Council. 
  • General James Gordon Steese (class of 1902) described a recent trip in "Four Thousand Miles Across Africa."
  • The Alumnus published Paul Appenzellar's (class of 1895) address at his 40th reunion after "unusual demand for copies of the speech."
  • Roy N. Keiser (class of 1906) and J. J. Bunting (class of 1908) became district superintendents of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Philadelphia and Wilmington, respectively.
  • Charles L. Swift (class of 1904), a former dean of Conway Hall, became member of the College faculty. 
  • Reviewers praised Dr. Edwin Elliot Willoughby's (class of 1922) new book, A Printer of Shakespeare: The Books and Times of William Jaggard.
Other Topics

Dickinson Alumnus, December 1934

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • President-Elect Fred P. Corson's (class of 1917) column entitled "The President Page" appeared for the first time. Corson, who explained that this page allowed for "uncensored conversation" with alumni, discussed which type of students should stay in college.
  • Harry W. Nice (class of 1899) was elected Governor of Maryland. 
  • Ralph M. Bashore (class of 1917) was appointed Secretary of Forests and Waters by Pennsylvania Governor George Howard Earle III. 
  • General James Gordon Steese (class of 1902) represented Dickinson College at a meeting of the International Geographical Congress in Warsaw, Poland.
  • Rev. Vaughn T. Rue (class of 1886) died in an automobile accident at the age of 79.

Dickinson Alumnus, May 1934

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • John Dickinson, a descendant of the elder brother of the college's founder and US Assistant Secretary of Commerce, was selected to deliver Commencement address. 
  • Prospective students visited Dickinson on a "visiting day" in May 1934 for the first time.
  • Dr. Russel I. Thompson investigated students' perspectives on a formal religion program.
  • General James Gordon Steese (class of 1902) described a recent trip in "Around the World in Five Weeks."
  • Three recent graduates received scholarships for graduate schools in France and Germany. 
  • Professor Leon C. Prince (class of 1898), Pennsylvania State Senator, received a "surprising vote" for the Republican nomination for the office of Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania.

Dickinson Alumnus, February 1924

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • The Alumni Association framed new bylaws that involve the nomination and election of new members of the Alumni Council. 
  • Dickinson College asked alumni for donations to support the library, which was located in Bosler Hall.
  • The Dickinson faculty adopted seven new rules of eligibility for athletes.
  • Philip S. Moyer (class of 1906) was appointed Deputy Attorney General of Pennsylvania.
  • William S. Snyder (class of 1894) was elected Right Worshipful Grand Junior Warden of the Grand Lodge of Masonry in Pennsylvania- a distinguished position. 

Dickinson Alumnus, February 1933

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • Dickinson's Endowment passed the million dollar mark.
  • The Mohler Scientific Club planned ceremonies to commemorate the 200th anniversary of scientist Joseph Priestley's birth. 
  • John W. McConnell (class of 1929) and Howard Rubendall (class of 1931) taught classes at the American University in Cairo, Egypt.
  • General James Gordon Steese (class of 1902) described his travel experiences in Peru as well as on the Oroya Railway in "Coasting from Sky To Sea."
  • Alfred H. Wagg (class of 1909), a state senator in Florida, was elected President of the Florida State Chamber of Commerce.
Other Topics

Dickinson Alumnus, February 1932

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • Karl Tinsley Waugh officially assumed his duties as Dickinson's President in January 1932.
  • Bishop Ernest G. Richardson (class of 1896) was elected President of the Anti-Saloon League of America.
  • Students organized the second inter-religious harmony seminar, which featured "frank discussions by Jews, Protestants, and Catholics."
  • Dr. George Gailey Chambers (class of 1902) and Dr. J. Horace MacFarland were elected to the Board of Trustees.
  • General James Gordon Steese (class of 1902) described his experience as a United States delegate to the 15th International Navigation Conference in "Seeing Italy Officially."
  • James M. Franciscus, caretaker of Biddle Field since 1908, died at age 73.
Other Topics

Dickinson Alumnus, February 1929

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • The Board of Trustees invited alumni to attend Dr. Mervin Grant Filler's (class of 1893) inauguration as the eighteenth president in April 1929.
  • The Alumni Gymnasium opened in early January with a basketball game against the University of Pennsylvania.
  • An infirmary, consisting of four rooms, opened in the rear of Conway Hall. 
  • Administrative offices, including the president's office, moved to the second floor of Old West.
  • P. W. "Red" Griffith was appointed head football coach.
  • James Gordon Steese (class of 1902) was featured in a Spanish language publication, The International Journal of Road Building.
  • William D. Angle (class of 1930) won the 1902 Award, honoring him for being the "best all around Dickinsonian" by judgement of his classmates.
  • Dr. Charles Greeley Abbot, secretary of the Smithsonian Institute, delivered a speech on former Smithsonian Secretary and former Dickinson Professor Spencer Fullerton Baird (class of 1840).

Dickinson Alumnus, November 1926

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • Frank R. Keefer (class of 1885) was appointed senior colonel of the Medical Corps by President Calvin Coolidge.
  • Dickinson, Gettysburg, Franklin & Marshall, Muhlenberg, and Ursinus formed the Eastern Collegiate Athletic Conference.
  • The Athletic Conference Symposium adopted a new set of eligibility rules for the schools in the Eastern Collegiate Athletic Conference. 
  • Students raised money to support Dickinson professors and alumni teaching in China.
  • James Gordon Steese (class of 1902), president of the Alaska Road Commission, was appointed Brigadier General of the Alaska National Guard.
  • Former President George Edward Reed published "A Period of Construction," the eighth in a series entitled "Reminiscences of Dickinson."
Other Topics

Dickinson Alumnus, August 1923

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • Various classes returned to the college for reunions during the recent commencement weekend, and the Class of 1903 presented a plan for various campus improvements, such as planting a variety of trees and bushes, as a gift to the college. 
  • James Gordon Steese (class of 1902) became the first president of the Alaska Road Commission.
  • Noah Pinkney, a local food vendor who was a Dickinson fixture for generations of students, passed away at the age of 77.
  • Dean Mervin G. Filler (class of 1893) discussed changes in the curriculum and student class schedules over the past decade.
  • A "lost" portrait of John Dickinson by Charles Willson Peale was located in the possession of a descendant, and a copy was made by artist Horace T. Carpenter to hang in Memorial Hall in Old West. 
  • Theodore M. Johnson described the 1863 Confederate bombardment of Carlisle and Dickinson College during the Civil War. Johnson lived with his father, Dickinson's President Herman M. Johnson, in East College in the 1860s.