Dickinson Alumnus, August 1923

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • Various classes returned to the college for reunions during the recent commencement weekend, and the Class of 1903 presented a plan for various campus improvements, such as planting a variety of trees and bushes, as a gift to the college. 
  • James Gordon Steese (class of 1902) became the first president of the Alaska Road Commission.
  • Noah Pinkney, a local food vendor who was a Dickinson fixture for generations of students, passed away at the age of 77.
  • Dean Mervin G. Filler (class of 1893) discussed changes in the curriculum and student class schedules over the past decade.
  • A "lost" portrait of John Dickinson by Charles Willson Peale was located in the possession of a descendant, and a copy was made by artist Horace T. Carpenter to hang in Memorial Hall in Old West. 
  • Theodore M. Johnson described the 1863 Confederate bombardment of Carlisle and Dickinson College during the Civil War. Johnson lived with his father, Dickinson's President Herman M. Johnson, in East College in the 1860s.

Dickinson Alumnus, November 1923

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • The Alumni Association of Dickinson College reorganized and adopted a new constitution.
  • The College Band performed wearing new Dickinson uniforms for the first time at Island Park in Harrisburg in the game against Gettysburg.
  • Conway W. Hillman (class of 1873) shared his recollections of the Confederate bombardment of Carlisle and Dickinson College during the Civil War in 1863. 
  • J. Banks Kurtz (class of 1893) was elected to the House of Congress Representatives.
  • Joseph K. Lightner became the head Football coach after Athletic director B. Russell Murphy resigned.
  • The old College Chapel in Old West became Memorial Hall, which honored those Dickinsonians who served in World War I. 
  • Professor Franklin T. Baker (class of 1885) celebrated his thirty first year teaching English at the Teachers College at Columbia University.