Dickinson Alumnus, November 1923
Selected Highlights from this Issue
- The Alumni Association of Dickinson College reorganized and adopted a new constitution.
- The College Band performed wearing new Dickinson uniforms for the first time at Island Park in Harrisburg in the game against Gettysburg.
- Conway W. Hillman (class of 1873) shared his recollections of the Confederate bombardment of Carlisle and Dickinson College during the Civil War in 1863.
- J. Banks Kurtz (class of 1893) was elected to the House of Congress Representatives.
- Joseph K. Lightner became the head Football coach after Athletic director B. Russell Murphy resigned.
- The old College Chapel in Old West became Memorial Hall, which honored those Dickinsonians who served in World War I.
- Professor Franklin T. Baker (class of 1885) celebrated his thirty first year teaching English at the Teachers College at Columbia University.
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