Dickinson Alumnus, September 1942

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • Men from the US Army Air Corps Enlisted Reserve Corps arrived at Dickinson for their eight week training program. 
  • The 47th Liberty ship from Bethlehem-Fairfield shipyard was named in honor of Benjamin Rush.
  • Robert Scott Whitman Jr. (class of 1938) and Calvert S. Foote (class of 1944) lost their lives during the war. Whitman was a navy aviator who was shot down during the Battle of Midway.
  • Theodore Stevens (class of 1885), thought dead for some time, replied to the Phi Kappa Psi's annual invitation to their commencement banquet. 
  • Admiral Arthur J. Hepburn (class of 1896) was appointed as chairman of the general board of the US Navy. 
  • Rev. Gaither P. Warfield (class of 1917), who had been interned in a German concentration camp, returned to the United States. 
  • A proposal dating from 1858 for the Philadelphia College of Medicine to become the medical department of Dickinson College was discovered among the Board of Trustees papers.

Dickinson Alumnus, May 1938

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • The Alumni Fund raised over $7500 for the College.
  • English Professor Bradford Oliver McIntire, who taught at Dickinson from 1890 to 1929, died at age 81. 
  • Dr. Ralph Pemberton donated a portrait of Thomas Williams (class of 1825) and wrote about him in "A Sketch of the Life of Thomas Williams."
  • Eva B. Armstrong, a curator at the University of Pennsylvania, discussed Professor Thomas Cooper's life in "A Word Picture of Professor Thomas Cooper." The College received a portrait of Professor Cooper earlier in the year.

Dickinson Alumnus, February 1938

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • All of the District Attorneys of Dauphin Country were Dickinson alumni, including Carl B. Shelley (class of 1917), David S. Kohn (class of 1930), and E. LeRoy Keen (class of 1907).
  • Elisha Conover (class of 1884), Professor of classical languages at the University of Delaware, retired after half a century of uninterrupted absences.
  • Reviewers praised Lloyd W. Eshelman’s (class of 1923) new book on the Renaissance (Moulders of Destiny: Renaissance Lives and Times).
  • President Fred Corson (class of 1917) preached at the Harvard Memorial Church.
  • The Alumnus published additional diary entries from a student at Dickinson during the 1849-1850 academic year.
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Dickinson Alumnus, September 1937

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • The Baird Biology Building, which was named for Spencer Fullerton Baird (class of 1840), opened after a dedication ceremony.
  • Professor William D. Gould, Dean of Wesleyan College, joined the faculty as an associate professor of history and political science.
  • Rev. James Lester Lester Shipley (class of 1860) died at age 99, which made Dr. Charles William Super (class of 1866) the oldest living alumnus.
  • Charles W. Brown (class of 1937) wrote a short history of Mooreland Park, which Dickinson had recently purchased and the location of the new Baird Biology Building.
  • Dickinson purchased five lots in order to enlarge and improve the facilities at Biddle field.
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Dickinson Alumnus, May 1928

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • Dean Josephine Meredith (class of 1901) discussed the Carnegie Foundation's valuable gift of "fine arts equipment," including 250 books and over 1000 pictures.
  • Bishop Luther Barton Wilson (class of 1875) retired after more than fifty years of service to the Methodist Church.
  • Seniors (class of 1928) took the Carnegie Foundation's Achievement Tests for the Advancement of Teaching instead of final exams.
  • The College announced "sweeping" changes to the curriculum and graduation requirements.
  • Chemistry Professor Herbert L. Davis (class of 1921) was elected to Sigma Xi, an honorary scientific society at Cornell University.
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Dickinson Alumnus, November 1926

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • Frank R. Keefer (class of 1885) was appointed senior colonel of the Medical Corps by President Calvin Coolidge.
  • Dickinson, Gettysburg, Franklin & Marshall, Muhlenberg, and Ursinus formed the Eastern Collegiate Athletic Conference.
  • The Athletic Conference Symposium adopted a new set of eligibility rules for the schools in the Eastern Collegiate Athletic Conference. 
  • Students raised money to support Dickinson professors and alumni teaching in China.
  • James Gordon Steese (class of 1902), president of the Alaska Road Commission, was appointed Brigadier General of the Alaska National Guard.
  • Former President George Edward Reed published "A Period of Construction," the eighth in a series entitled "Reminiscences of Dickinson."
Other Topics

Dickinson Alumnus, May 1926

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • Dickinson recognized trustee Edward W. Biddle (class of 1870) for his generous donation of Biddle Field as well as his lifelong history of contributions. 
  • The Athletic Committee named S. Marsh Johnson as the new Director of Athletics.
  • Former President George Edward Reed published "The Founding of the Dickinson School of Law," the sixth in a series entitled "Reminiscences of Dickinson."
  • A previously unknown letter, written by James Buchanan (class of 1809) as the Minister to Russia, revealed information about life at the imperial court of Nicholas I in 1832.
  • Martha Steele donated a program from the Freshmen class' burlesque of the annual Sophomore oratorical contest in 1881.
  • Alumni discussed the history of the Dickinson College Cadet Band.
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