Dickinson Alumnus, November 1927

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • Dickinson signed a contract for the construction of the new Alumni Gymnasium.
  • Herbert L. Davis (class of 1921), Henry W. Monyer (class of 1927), May Morris (class of 1909), and Frances Janney joined Dickinson's faculty. 
  • The College's endowment neared a million dollar mark.
  • Professor Leon C. Prince (class of 1898) published another book, Pharaoh's Question.
  • Carlyle R. Earp (class of 1914) recounted a recent trip to France with other members of the American Legion and described the changes since his previous visit as a soldier during World War I.
  • Dean Mervin Filler (class of 1893) explored the question of whether Freshmen were getting younger.

Dickinson Alumnus, May 1928

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • Dean Josephine Meredith (class of 1901) discussed the Carnegie Foundation's valuable gift of "fine arts equipment," including 250 books and over 1000 pictures.
  • Bishop Luther Barton Wilson (class of 1875) retired after more than fifty years of service to the Methodist Church.
  • Seniors (class of 1928) took the Carnegie Foundation's Achievement Tests for the Advancement of Teaching instead of final exams.
  • The College announced "sweeping" changes to the curriculum and graduation requirements.
  • Chemistry Professor Herbert L. Davis (class of 1921) was elected to Sigma Xi, an honorary scientific society at Cornell University.
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