Dickinson Alumnus, December 1942

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • David H. Crosby Jr. (class of 1940), a lieutenant in the US Marine Corps, was killed in action in Guadalcanal in the Solomon Islands.
  • Professor Montgomery Porter Sellers (class of 1893), a member of the faculty for 50 years, died at his home in Carlisle. The Alumnus published President Fred Corson's (class of 1917) remarks at Dr. Sellers' funeral. 
  • Earle D. Willey (class of 1913), Delaware Secretary of State, was elected Delaware's representative in Congress. 
  • Robert L. Brunhouse (class of 1930) published a book that focused on Pennsylvania politics between 1776 and 1790.

Dickinson Alumnus, September 1942

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • Men from the US Army Air Corps Enlisted Reserve Corps arrived at Dickinson for their eight week training program. 
  • The 47th Liberty ship from Bethlehem-Fairfield shipyard was named in honor of Benjamin Rush.
  • Robert Scott Whitman Jr. (class of 1938) and Calvert S. Foote (class of 1944) lost their lives during the war. Whitman was a navy aviator who was shot down during the Battle of Midway.
  • Theodore Stevens (class of 1885), thought dead for some time, replied to the Phi Kappa Psi's annual invitation to their commencement banquet. 
  • Admiral Arthur J. Hepburn (class of 1896) was appointed as chairman of the general board of the US Navy. 
  • Rev. Gaither P. Warfield (class of 1917), who had been interned in a German concentration camp, returned to the United States. 
  • A proposal dating from 1858 for the Philadelphia College of Medicine to become the medical department of Dickinson College was discovered among the Board of Trustees papers.