Dickinson Alumnus, December 1942

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • David H. Crosby Jr. (class of 1940), a lieutenant in the US Marine Corps, was killed in action in Guadalcanal in the Solomon Islands.
  • Professor Montgomery Porter Sellers (class of 1893), a member of the faculty for 50 years, died at his home in Carlisle. The Alumnus published President Fred Corson's (class of 1917) remarks at Dr. Sellers' funeral. 
  • Earle D. Willey (class of 1913), Delaware Secretary of State, was elected Delaware's representative in Congress. 
  • Robert L. Brunhouse (class of 1930) published a book that focused on Pennsylvania politics between 1776 and 1790.

Dickinson Alumnus, May 1942

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • Rev. Rowland R. Lehman (class of 1923), and Elvin C. Myers (class of 1924) were made District superintendents of the Harrisburg and York districts respectively.
  • Donald E. Austin (class of 1938), an ensign assigned to the USS Pope, became the first Dickinsonian to loose his after his ship sunk during a battle in the Java Sea.
  • Professor William W. Landis (class of 1891) died after a teaching career of more than 50 years. The Alumnus published President Fred Corson's (class of 1917) remarks at Dr. Landis' funeral. 
  • The Library purchased a microfilm reader. 
  • The Alumnus continued to compile an "Honor Roll" of alumni who were serving in the armed forces. 

Dickinson Alumnus, May 1941

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • Founders’ Day exercises were held in the newly renovated Bosler Hall. 
  • Alexander A. Sharp (class of 1883) donated furnishings for the new recreational reading room in Bosler Hall.
  • Dr. Milton Conover (class of 1913), who had been arrested as a suspected spy, was freed after an investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. 
  • Harry Whinna Nice (class of 1899), Governor of Maryland from 1935 to 1939, died while on a motor trip at 63 years old.
  • William G. ("Bill") Green (class of 1929) became a member of the staff of the Army and Navy YMCA at Honolulu, Hawaii. 
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