Dickinson Alumnus, May 1942

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • Rev. Rowland R. Lehman (class of 1923), and Elvin C. Myers (class of 1924) were made District superintendents of the Harrisburg and York districts respectively.
  • Donald E. Austin (class of 1938), an ensign assigned to the USS Pope, became the first Dickinsonian to loose his after his ship sunk during a battle in the Java Sea.
  • Professor William W. Landis (class of 1891) died after a teaching career of more than 50 years. The Alumnus published President Fred Corson's (class of 1917) remarks at Dr. Landis' funeral. 
  • The Library purchased a microfilm reader. 
  • The Alumnus continued to compile an "Honor Roll" of alumni who were serving in the armed forces. 

Dickinson Alumnus, February 1942

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • The Faculty approved curriculum changes and adopted an "all-year program" after the United States entered World War II.
  • The Alumnus published a list of alumni who were serving in active war zones as well as an "Honor Roll" of those involved in the war effort.
  • Freshman became eligible to participate in varsity football during the "war emergency."
  • The Bethlehem-Fairfield Shipbuilding Company named one of the new Liberty Ships after Roger B. Taney (class of 1795), former chief justice of the United States.

Dickinson Alumnus, December 1941

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • The Board of Trustees discussed the potential impact of World War II on the college. 
  • Bishop Ernest G. Richardson (class of 1896) was elected President of the Council of Bishops of the Methodist Church. 
  • Rev. Albert M. Witwer (class of 1900) was reappointed superintendent of the North District of Philadelphia Conference. 
  • The Alumnus discussed whether or not James Buchanan (class of 1809) was a good Dickinsonian.
  • President Fred Corson (class of 1917) praised Dr. Ruby R. Vale's new book, Some Legal Foundations of Society.

Dickinson Alumnus, September 1941

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • Five professors and two graduate assistants joined Dickinson's faculty. 
  • Dickinson postponed the start of classes until October 3 in the wake of an infantile paralysis epidemic in some parts of Pennsylvania. 
  • The Library Quarterly analyzed students’ use of Dickinson's library. 
  • Professor Paul Herbert Doney died of a heart attack while trying to rescue his nine-year old son and Professor Wilbur H. Norcross (class of 1907) died at age 58. The Alumnus published President Fred Pierce Corson's (class of 1917) remarks at their funerals. 
  •  I. Howell Kane (class of 1921) discussed Dickinson's history in an article entitled "The Contribution of Dickinson to the Life of the Nation."
  • Dickinson hired seven new professors, including Benjamin D. James (class of 1934) and Whitfield J. Bell Jr. (class of 1935).
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