Dickinson Alumnus, May 1941

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • Founders’ Day exercises were held in the newly renovated Bosler Hall. 
  • Alexander A. Sharp (class of 1883) donated furnishings for the new recreational reading room in Bosler Hall.
  • Dr. Milton Conover (class of 1913), who had been arrested as a suspected spy, was freed after an investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. 
  • Harry Whinna Nice (class of 1899), Governor of Maryland from 1935 to 1939, died while on a motor trip at 63 years old.
  • William G. ("Bill") Green (class of 1929) became a member of the staff of the Army and Navy YMCA at Honolulu, Hawaii. 
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Dickinson Alumnus, February 1938

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • All of the District Attorneys of Dauphin Country were Dickinson alumni, including Carl B. Shelley (class of 1917), David S. Kohn (class of 1930), and E. LeRoy Keen (class of 1907).
  • Elisha Conover (class of 1884), Professor of classical languages at the University of Delaware, retired after half a century of uninterrupted absences.
  • Reviewers praised Lloyd W. Eshelman’s (class of 1923) new book on the Renaissance (Moulders of Destiny: Renaissance Lives and Times).
  • President Fred Corson (class of 1917) preached at the Harvard Memorial Church.
  • The Alumnus published additional diary entries from a student at Dickinson during the 1849-1850 academic year.
Other Topics

Dickinson Alumnus, May 1933

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • Plans for the Sesqui-Centennial Commencement in June included a ball, pageant, and an Alumni luncheon on the new Mooreland tract.
  • Alumni formed new clubs in Boston and Reading.
  • The Alumni Council helped organize the first vocational conference held at Dickinson. 
  • Trustee J. Horace McFarland praised James Henry Morgan's (class of 1878) forthcoming book on the history of Dickinson College. 
  • R. Y. Stuart (class of 1903), Chief Forester of the US Forest Service, described the impact of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's unemployment relief bill in "That 250,000" Man Job." 