Dickinson Alumnus, September 1933

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • President Karl Waugh resigned in June and the Board of Trustees appointed James H. Morgan (class of 1878) as acting President. 
  • The College celebrated the Sesqui-Centennial Commencement in June. 
  • Captain James J. Patterson (class of 1859) told the story of how he captured his old roommate, David D. Stone (class of 1859), in the Battle of Spotsylvania during the Civil War. Paterson served in the Union army while Stone fought for the Confederates. 
  • Edward M. Biddle (class of 1905) and Sumner M. Drayer (class of 1902) were elected trustees of the College. 
  • The Carlisle branch of the American Association of University Women established the Mary Curran Morgan (class of 1888) Memorial Fellowship Fund to provide financial aid to women attending Dickinson. 
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Dickinson Alumnus, May 1933

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • Plans for the Sesqui-Centennial Commencement in June included a ball, pageant, and an Alumni luncheon on the new Mooreland tract.
  • Alumni formed new clubs in Boston and Reading.
  • The Alumni Council helped organize the first vocational conference held at Dickinson. 
  • Trustee J. Horace McFarland praised James Henry Morgan's (class of 1878) forthcoming book on the history of Dickinson College. 
  • R. Y. Stuart (class of 1903), Chief Forester of the US Forest Service, described the impact of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's unemployment relief bill in "That 250,000" Man Job." 

Dickinson Alumnus, May 1929

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • Dr. Mervin Grant Filler (class of 1893) became the eighteenth president on April 26, 1929. 
  • The Alumnus published President Filler's inaugural address, Bishop William F. McDowell's charge to the new president, as well as remarks from various delegates during the Inaugural Luncheon in the new Alumni Gymnasium.
  • Trustee Lemuel T. Appold (class of 1882) established an honor scholarship in the name of his life-long friend, William Knight Dare (class of 1883).
  • Professor Bradford Oliver McIntire retired after teaching for 39 years, which marked the contemporary record for longest career as a Dickinson professor.
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