Dickinson Alumnus, November 1929

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • Alumni were invited to donate any of their Dickinson material for display in new museum located in Old West.
  • The Alumnus published photographs of the renovated Executive offices in Old West
  • The varsity football team suffered one of its worst seasons, with a total of two wins, two ties, and seven losses.
  • The college purchased land located next to Biddle field, which allowed for "the enlargement of the athletic field at any time." Seven tennis courts were also built behind the new Alumni Gymnasium.
  • Pennsylvania Governor John Fisher appointed History Professor Leon C. Prince, also a State Senator, to represent the state at the National Council of State Legislatures.
  • Dr. Paul R. Burkholder (class of 1924) started a two year cruise around the world with other scientists to study the food pollution in fish production.
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Dickinson Alumnus, August 1929

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • The College revealed plans for extensive improvements, including remodeling Old West, Denny Hall, Biddle Field, and furnishing Conway Hall. 
  • The Board of Trustees recognized former President James H. Morgan (class of 1878) and Professor Bradford O. McIntire for their years of service to the school. Trustees established a Morgan Lectureship Fund and appointed McIntire as Professor Emeritus, the fist in Dickinson's history.
  • Charles K. Zug (class of 1880), a former member of the Alumni Council and Board of Trustees, died in his home.
  • Brothers from the Class of 1870, Philip L. Cannon and trustee Henry P. Cannon, died within two months of each other.
  • Roscoe O. Bonisteel (class of 1912) was elected to the office of most worshipful grand master of the grand lodge of Masons of Michigan.
  • The Alumnus published photographs from the Alumni Parade held in June 1929. 
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Dickinson Alumnus, May 1929

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • Dr. Mervin Grant Filler (class of 1893) became the eighteenth president on April 26, 1929. 
  • The Alumnus published President Filler's inaugural address, Bishop William F. McDowell's charge to the new president, as well as remarks from various delegates during the Inaugural Luncheon in the new Alumni Gymnasium.
  • Trustee Lemuel T. Appold (class of 1882) established an honor scholarship in the name of his life-long friend, William Knight Dare (class of 1883).
  • Professor Bradford Oliver McIntire retired after teaching for 39 years, which marked the contemporary record for longest career as a Dickinson professor.
Other Topics

Dickinson Alumnus, February 1929

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • The Board of Trustees invited alumni to attend Dr. Mervin Grant Filler's (class of 1893) inauguration as the eighteenth president in April 1929.
  • The Alumni Gymnasium opened in early January with a basketball game against the University of Pennsylvania.
  • An infirmary, consisting of four rooms, opened in the rear of Conway Hall. 
  • Administrative offices, including the president's office, moved to the second floor of Old West.
  • P. W. "Red" Griffith was appointed head football coach.
  • James Gordon Steese (class of 1902) was featured in a Spanish language publication, The International Journal of Road Building.
  • William D. Angle (class of 1930) won the 1902 Award, honoring him for being the "best all around Dickinsonian" by judgement of his classmates.
  • Dr. Charles Greeley Abbot, secretary of the Smithsonian Institute, delivered a speech on former Smithsonian Secretary and former Dickinson Professor Spencer Fullerton Baird (class of 1840).