Dickinson Alumnus, September 1933

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • President Karl Waugh resigned in June and the Board of Trustees appointed James H. Morgan (class of 1878) as acting President. 
  • The College celebrated the Sesqui-Centennial Commencement in June. 
  • Captain James J. Patterson (class of 1859) told the story of how he captured his old roommate, David D. Stone (class of 1859), in the Battle of Spotsylvania during the Civil War. Paterson served in the Union army while Stone fought for the Confederates. 
  • Edward M. Biddle (class of 1905) and Sumner M. Drayer (class of 1902) were elected trustees of the College. 
  • The Carlisle branch of the American Association of University Women established the Mary Curran Morgan (class of 1888) Memorial Fellowship Fund to provide financial aid to women attending Dickinson. 
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Dickinson Alumnus, May 1927

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • The Board of Trustees authorized razing South College in order to make way for the construction of the new gymnasium. 
  • Trustee Lemuel T. Appold (class of 1882) retired as President of the General Alumni Association. 
  • Mary Curran Morgan (class of 1888), President James Henry Morgan's wife, passed away unexpectedly while traveling.
  • The Carnegie Corporation of New York donated a valuable art collection to the college.
  • Dr. Virgil Prettyman (class of 1892), a businessman and former headmaster of the Horace Mann School, featured in an article that highlights his achievements.
  • Professor Leon C. Prince (class of 1898) reviewed The English of the Pulpit, a "notable" book by Lewis H. Chrisman (class of 1908).
  • Rev. Raymond R. Brewer (class of 1916), the head of the Dickinson-in-China program, discussed how China views the United States.
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