Dickinson Alumnus, December 1940

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • Henry R. Isaacs (class of 1904) was appointed as a judge in Delaware and Earle D. Willey (class of 1911) was named Delaware Secretary of State.
  • The Annals of Medical History published an article about Dr. James Smith (class of 1792), a pioneer in vaccination.  
  • Dickinson opened a new dormitory located on Hanover Street, across from Metzger Hall, for up to 20 senior women. 
  • The Alumnus criticized the construction of the Pennsylvania Turnpike through the Cumberland Valley. 
  • Reviewers acclaimed Lloyd W. Eshelman's (class of 1923) new book A Victorian Rebel.
  • Rev. Albert L. Baner (class of 1923) became superintendent of the New Brunswick district in the New Jersey Conference of the Methodist Church.

Dickinson Alumnus, February 1938

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • All of the District Attorneys of Dauphin Country were Dickinson alumni, including Carl B. Shelley (class of 1917), David S. Kohn (class of 1930), and E. LeRoy Keen (class of 1907).
  • Elisha Conover (class of 1884), Professor of classical languages at the University of Delaware, retired after half a century of uninterrupted absences.
  • Reviewers praised Lloyd W. Eshelman’s (class of 1923) new book on the Renaissance (Moulders of Destiny: Renaissance Lives and Times).
  • President Fred Corson (class of 1917) preached at the Harvard Memorial Church.
  • The Alumnus published additional diary entries from a student at Dickinson during the 1849-1850 academic year.
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