Dickinson Alumnus, November 1928

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • The Alumni Gymnasium was expected to open to the public in early January 1929.
  • Dr. Edmund D. Soper (class of 1898) was elected President of Ohio Wesleyan University.
  • Several Dickinson graduates won November elections, including three to Congress, seven to the Pennsylvania General Assembly, and one to the New York legislature.
  • Statues of President James Buchanan (class of 1809) were erected in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, and in Washington DC. 
  • William M. Beard (class of 1912) was elected as president of the Westfield Trust Company

Dickinson Alumnus, August 1928

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • President James Henry Morgan (class of 1878) retired as President in August 1928.
  • The Board of Trustees elected Professor Marvin Grant Filler (class of 1893) as the eighteenth president. 
  • Professor Montgomery Porter Sellers (class of 1893) was appointed Dean of Faculty. 
  • Boyd Lee Spahr (class of 1900), head of the Alumni Association, spoke at the Alumni Gymnasium's corner-stone laying exercise held on Alumni Day in June 1928. 
  • William G. Thomas (class of 1898) was appointed Judge of Carbon County, Pennsylvania. 
  • Arthur J. Hepburn (class of 1896) was one of five captains promoted to the rank of Admiral. 

Dickinson Alumnus, May 1928

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • Dean Josephine Meredith (class of 1901) discussed the Carnegie Foundation's valuable gift of "fine arts equipment," including 250 books and over 1000 pictures.
  • Bishop Luther Barton Wilson (class of 1875) retired after more than fifty years of service to the Methodist Church.
  • Seniors (class of 1928) took the Carnegie Foundation's Achievement Tests for the Advancement of Teaching instead of final exams.
  • The College announced "sweeping" changes to the curriculum and graduation requirements.
  • Chemistry Professor Herbert L. Davis (class of 1921) was elected to Sigma Xi, an honorary scientific society at Cornell University.
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Dickinson Alumnus, February 1928

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • President James H. Morgan (class of 1878) was a patient at the Carlisle Hospital for four weeks after several months of poor health.
  • Dr. Zatae Longsdorff Straw (class of 1887), the first woman to graduate from Dickinson College, announced her campaign for the New Hampshire State Senate.
  • Dickinson's basketball team celebrated its seventh year in a row without a loss.
  • The dedication ceremony for the corner stone of the new Alumni Gymnasium was set for Commencement in June 1928.
  • Major Robert Y. Stuart (class of 1903) was named chief of the United States Forest Service.
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