Dickinson Alumnus, February 1931

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • Dickinson College joined over 200 other colleges in the Liberal Arts College Movement.
  • Philip S. Moyer (class of 1906) was appointed as a Deputy Attorney-General of Pennsylvania.
  • Esther F. Chambers (class of 1932) became the first woman to serve as editor-in-chief of the Dickinsonian
  • Dr. Clyde B. Furst (class of 1893), secretary of the Carnegie Foundation, died at 57.
  • Sylvester Baker Sadler (class of 1895), a Pennsylvania Supreme Court Justice, died at 54. 

Note: Volume 8, Number 2 (Part 2) was a Catalogue of Living Alumni and was not digitized. For information about accessing this item, please contact the Archives staff.


Dickinson Alumnus, November 1931

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • Board of Trustees elected Dr. Karl Tinsley Waugh as the new President of the College.
  • Rear Admiral Arthur J. Hepburn (class of 1896) was appointed as a naval adviser to the United States delegation at the general disarmament conference in Geneva.
  • Charles C. Greer (class of 1892) and William W. Uttley (class of 1894) were elected as judges in Pennsylvania. 
  • Phi Delta Theta opened a new fraternity house, located directly opposite of East College on N. West street.
  • The Alumnus printed Dr. Wilbur F. Horn's (class of 1869) "Some Observations and Reflections on Energy," which was originally published in 1927 following Albert Einstein's announcement regarding a new unified field theory.
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Dickinson Alumnus, September 1931

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • Extensive improvements were made to several buildings on campus, including repairs to Metzger Hall and adding new rooms in Denny Hall. 
  •  Judge Edward W. Biddle (class of 1870), former President of the Board of Trustees, died at age 79 and left $4,000 to Dickinson's Library Guild.
  • Boyd Lee Spahr (class of 1900) was elected President of the Board of Trustees. 
  • Harry Linwood Price (class of 1896) was elected President of the General Alumni Association. 
  • Deputy Attorney-General Earle D. Willey (class of 1911) was appointed judge of Kent County in Delaware.
  • Daniel Moore Bates donated a portrait of his grandfather, Daniel Moore Bates (class of 1839), a former Chancellor of Delaware. 

Dickinson Alumnus, May 1931

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • James J. Patterson (class of 1859), the oldest living alumni in 1931, returned to Dickinson for the 148th Commencement.
  • Albert M. Witwer (class of 1900) was appointed as District Superintendent of the North District of Philadelphia Conference.
  • Joseph McCormick appointed head football coach. 
  • Charles P. Addams (class of 1884) was made a Deputy Attorney General of Pennsylvania. 
  • The Special Committee on Athletics issued a lengthy report that recommended changes to Dickinson's athletic program. 
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Dickinson Alumnus, April 1931

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • President Mervin Grant Filler (class of 1893) died at age 57 in Philadelphia. 
  • Hundreds of students, alumni, and faculty attended President Filler's funeral at Allison Memorial Methodist Church.
  • The Board of Trustees appointed former President James H. Morgan (class of 1878) as temporary President
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