Dickinson Alumnus, December 1941

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • The Board of Trustees discussed the potential impact of World War II on the college. 
  • Bishop Ernest G. Richardson (class of 1896) was elected President of the Council of Bishops of the Methodist Church. 
  • Rev. Albert M. Witwer (class of 1900) was reappointed superintendent of the North District of Philadelphia Conference. 
  • The Alumnus discussed whether or not James Buchanan (class of 1809) was a good Dickinsonian.
  • President Fred Corson (class of 1917) praised Dr. Ruby R. Vale's new book, Some Legal Foundations of Society.

Dickinson Alumnus, December 1936

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • Mrs. Paul Appenzellar (class of 1895) agreed to pay for alterations to the front of the President's House. 
  • Dickinson purchased five new properties to enlarge Biddle Field. 
  • The Board of Trustees approved plans to renovate the Mooreland House and rename it as the Baird Biology Building. 
  • Robert F. Rich (class of 1907) was elected to the House of Representatives. 
  • The Athletic Board of Control decided to withdraw Dickinson from the Eastern Collegiate Athletic Conference at the end of the football season.