Dickinson Alumnus, December 1936

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • Mrs. Paul Appenzellar (class of 1895) agreed to pay for alterations to the front of the President's House. 
  • Dickinson purchased five new properties to enlarge Biddle Field. 
  • The Board of Trustees approved plans to renovate the Mooreland House and rename it as the Baird Biology Building. 
  • Robert F. Rich (class of 1907) was elected to the House of Representatives. 
  • The Athletic Board of Control decided to withdraw Dickinson from the Eastern Collegiate Athletic Conference at the end of the football season.

Dickinson Alumnus, September 1936

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • Railroad tracks on High Street in Carlisle were removed and rerouted north of town. 
  • Lemuel Towers Appold (class of 1882)  bequeathed one-half of his estate to Dickinson, which was the largest in the College's history. 
  • Dean M. Hoffman (class of 1902) was elected Phi Delta Theta national president. 
  • Whitfield J. Bell (class of 1935) discussed the Belles Lettres Literary Society's 150 year history. 
  • Delaware Republicans nominated Harry L. Cannon (class of 1899) and George C. Hering Jr. (class of 1917) for Governor and Lieutenant-Governor, respectively. 
  • King Edward VIII honored Dr. J. Roy Strock (class of 1903), Head of the Andhra Christian College in India, with the Kaiser-i-Hind medal, first class.

Dickinson Alumnus, May 1936

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • Charles S. Swope (class of 1925) was inaugurated as president of the West Chester State Teachers College. 
  • Ruby R. Vale (class of 1896) described Admiral Arthur J. Hepburn's (class of 1896) college life in "Recalls Admiral's Early Promise of Success." 
  • Dickinson faculty, alumni, and students paid tribute to Bradford O. McIntire, Professor Emeritus of English Literature and founder of the Library Guild, on his 80th birthday. 
  • Boyd Lee Spahr (class of 1900) addressed the Board of Trustees on Supreme Court Chief Justice Roger Brooke Taney's (class of 1795) career. 

Dickinson Alumnus, February 1936

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • The College officially launched the Annual Fund, which promoted annual giving. 
  • Dickinson's Teacher Placement Bureau helped recent graduates find jobs at schools across the country. 
  • The Board of Trustees authorized several changes to the College seal, including adding the date of the founding - 1783. 
  • Colbert N. Kurokawa (class of 1922) was part of an effort to establish the Hawaii Center in Kyoto, Japan. 
  • Arthur Japy Hepburn (class of 1896) was appointed Admiral of the United States Fleet and Stanley Dunbar Embick (class of 1897) was promoted to Major General. 
  • Gen. James G. Steese (class of 1902) wrote an article about his trip to Australia in 1930 in "The Trans-Australia Railway."