Dickinson Alumnus, May 1955

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • Dr. Robert L. D. Davidson (class of 1931) became President of Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri.
  • Dr. Wilson D. Wallis (class of 1907) published a comprehensive anthropological study of a Native American tribe in Canada titled The Micmac Indians of Eastern Canada.
  • Elizabeth A. Swaim (class of 1954) received the Rotary Grant award to study abroad at the University of London.
  • Trustee Boyd Lee Spahr (class of 1900) delivered a speech to the Dickinson Club of Philadelphia entitled "I Know Of None Better."  
  • Ruth E. White (class of 1904) published a new book titled History of the Methodist Church in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, 1792-1954.

Dickinson Alumnus, February 1955

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • Trustees and Methodist Church officials adopted plans for a new church located on the Benjamin Rush Campus, which would replace the Allison Memorial Church that was destroyed during a fire.
  • Paul E. Smith (class of 1930), after returning from his assignment in Baghdad, Iraq, was quickly appointed as Regional Training Officer for the Near East and African Division of the Foreign Operations Administration.
  • Robert L. Myers Jr. (class of 1917) became Pennsylvania's Secretary of Banking.
  • Samuel W. Witwer Jr. (class of 1930) won "plaudits of all newspaper editors" in Illinois for his work in election campaigns in 1954.
  • Henry E. Harner (class of 1929) was appointed Deputy Secretary to the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
  • With 54 alumni enrolled in medical schools, Professor Charles C. Sellers reflected on founder Dr. Benjamin Rush's career as a physician.

Dickinson Alumnus, December 1954

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • A ground breaking ceremony was held for Morgan Hall, the new men's dormitory located on the Benjamin Rush Campus.
  • Rev. D. Frederick Wertz (class of 1937) was elected President of Lycoming College. Wertz succeeded another Dickinsonian, Dr. John W. Long (class of 1907).
  • James R. Shepley (Class of 1939), chief of the Washington Bureau of Time, was co-author of the volume The Hydrogen Bomb which raised "troublous questions" and "created quite a controversy."

Dickinson Alumnus, September 1954

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • Construction started on a new men's dormitory located on the Benjamin Rush Campus.
  • Trustees and Methodist Church officials worked on plans to replace the Allison Memorial Church that burned down.
  • The Mary Dickinson Club raised funds for a self-service elevator in Bosler Hall. A shaft was created during renovations, but an elevator had not been installed.
  • Victoria Kathryn Hann (class of 1950) was appointed Dean of Women.
  • John Hamilton (class of 1925) played Perry White, editor of the Metropolis Daily Planet, on the Superman TV show.
  • Professor Clyde E. Wildman reviewed Rev. Alson J. Smith's (class of 1930) new book Immortality.