Dickinson Alumnus, December 1969

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • Students and faculty participated in the Moratorium on October 15, which was a day of protest against the United States' involvement in Vietnam.
  • Macalester College Chaplain Alvin C. Currier explained how students change in college in an article titled "Whatever Happened to My Johnny?"
  • Football stars Francis A. Dunn (class of 1914), Hyman Goldstein (class of 1915), and Samuel Padjen (class of 1939) were inducted as the first members of the Dickinson College Sports Hall of Fame.
  • Professor Clarke Garrett discussed former Professor Arthur Max Prinz's lifetime study of Karl Marx.
  • Judge Bernard C. Brominski (class of 1947) presided in the Mary Jo Kopechne autopsy case.

Dickinson Alumnus, September 1969

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • Professor Philip N. Lockhart described the re-invigerated Classics Department.
  • Meyer P. Potamkin (class of 1932) donated to the College half a hundred or more contemporary lithographs and etchings.
  • The Athletics department established the Dickinson College Athletics Hall of Fame.
  • Navy Lt. Mike Witwer (class of 1963) delivered a baby on Hill 52 in Vietnam, which was an active war-zone where "shrapnel and Viet Cog sympathies run high."
  • Tim I. Minnich (class of 1966) explained the goals of the US Army Area Command's Civic Actions Office in South Vietnam.

Dickinson Alumnus, Spring 1969

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • The Alumnus reported on and gathered statements from the key figures involved in organizing Dickinson's first Declare Day.
  • Dr. Linus Pauling, the recipient of the 1954 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, received the 18th Priestley Award.
  • Professors Paul Biebel and Henry Hanson took a group of 24 students on a research trip to the Florida Keys.
  • Dr. Gerald S. Hawkins, a noted astronomer who studied Stonehenge, was appointed Dean of the College . 