Dickinson Alumnus, Fall 1968

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • Professor Henry Hanson took eight geology majors on a 2000-mile trip through Iceland.
  • Colonel R. Wallace White (class of 1929) became the first Director of Deferred Giving.
  • The Alumnus published the address that President Howard L. Rubendall's (class of 1913) delivered at Convocation in September 1968.
  • The 1969 Dickinson Fund had a goal of $285,000.

Dickinson Alumnus, Summer 1968

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • The photograph on the cover featured Dr. Frederick B. Harris (class of 1909), Chaplain of the United States Senate, and Dr. Edward G. Latch (class of 1921), Chaplain of the United States House of Representatives. 
  • Medical Economics featured Dickinson's Center for International Studies in Bologna, Italy, in an article about study abroad programs. 
  • Molly Pitcher (class of 1971) became the first woman to join the Reserve Officer Training Corps' (ROTC) Pershing Rifles team.
  • The cartouche that had stood above the entrance to Bosler Library from 1885 to 1941 was re-dedicated outside Witwer Hall by the Class of 1913 during their 55th reunion.

Dickinson Alumnus, Spring 1968

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • Professor Enrique Martinez discussed a new addition to Dickinson's rare book collection, Cristóbal Suárez de Figueroa's Hechos de Don Garcia Hurtado de Mendoza. Quarto Marqués de Canete (1613).
  • Harold R. Gillespie Jr., Dean of Students, announced the College's policy on illegal drug use.
  • Lawrence A. Rand (class of 1965) had been appointed to Dickinson's development staff.
  • Dr. Marshall W. Nirenberg received the Priestly Award, W. H. Auden received the Arts Award, and Dr. Henry Primakoff received the Glover Memorial Medal.
  • Julie Diane Pringle (class of 1971) was named best dressed student on campus.
  • Dr. Alpheus T. Mason (class of 1920) retired from Princeton University after 43 years on faculty.
  • The Alumnus included a special report on the crisis in higher education titled "The Plain Fact Is...", which was produced by the non-profit Editorial Projects for Education. 

Dickinson Alumnus, Winter 1968

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • Yates M. Forbis, deputy librarian, detailed a typical day in the new Boyd Lee Spahr Library.
  • The dedication ceremony for Witwer Hall took place on Parents Day.
  • Dr. Henry Steele Commager, History Professor at Amherst College, delivered an address ("The American Scholar Revisited") at the dedication of the Spahr Library.
  • Harry C. Zug (class of 1934) welcomed 21 new class chairman to the Alumni Giving Team.
  • W. Richard Eshelman (class of 1941) became a Judge in Berks County.