Dickinsonian Newspaper

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The football team has trouble finding new recruits. Literary societies, such as the Belles Lettres Society and the Union Philosophical Society have added new members and kept old ones. The Senate passes thirteen rules for the new freshmen.

Dickinsonian Front Page

The Dickinson Football team lost the first game of the season to Washington and Jefferson in Washington, PA. Dr. Super addresses the freshman class about the importance of ideas passed down through literature. The 1917 class elects their officers...

Dickinsonian Front Page

The Dramatic Club elects their officers and reveals the plays they will be rehearsing in the coming year. The sophomore class is called upon to maintain the sight of President Nesbit’s grave, and the entirety of the college is called upon to...

Dickinsonian Front Page

The freshmen and sophomore classes fought each other outside of a sophomore party. The fight broke up as police arrived on the scene. The junior class elected their class officers.

Dickinsonian Front Page

Senate proceedings ruled that each class must pay five dollars to the senate, and that daylight horseplay be extended for an indefinite period. The Alpha Chi Rho fraternity took their annual ride up to Doubling Gap.

Dickinsonian Front Page

The Dickinson football team defeats Gettysburg 39-13. Robert W. Lyman becomes a new member of the Law School. The Phi Kappa Psi fraternity holds its annual fall dance. The Schuylkill County Club is formed.

Dickinsonian Front Page

Dickinson wins its last home football game against Lebanon Valley. The Beta Theta Pi fraternity held a gathering in their chapter house in honor of Professor and Mrs. George F. Cole. The sophomore class elects a new president. The Phi Kappa Sigma...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Dickinson wins in a football game against Swarthmore. Local Dickinson alumni organize a new athletics association to offer more support to the athletics on campus. A tribute to Abraham Lincoln is given fifty years after the Gettysburg Address....

Dickinsonian Front Page

Founder’s Day was celebrated at Metzger Hall. The Dickinson Alumni Athletic Association made further plans to extend their organization. The Union Philosophical Society announces the results of its election. The Intercollegiate Prohibition...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Dickinson loses last game of the season to Lafayette. The football season is summed up and each player is featured.

Dickinsonian Front Page

The annual Doll Show was given at Metzger Hall. The first meeting of the “Deutscher Verein,” or the German Club, was held.            

Dickinsonian Front Page

The 1913 Football team Banquet was attended by over two hundred men. The baseball schedule is released. The Belles Lettres Literary Society elects their fall officers. The Debating teams are chosen...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Professor John R. Todd, an alumnus, dies suddenly. The freshman class re-elects their class president. The Skull and Key Dance was given at the Phi Kappa Psi house. The Harmon Literary Society chooses its officers and book list for the winter...

Dickinsonian Front Page

The basketball schedule for the winter term is posted. Phi Kappa Sigma held their second “at home” night of the year. The officers of the Athletic Association are announced. There are mentions of other universities beginning to ban alcohol...

Dickinsonian Front Page

The results of the opening games of the basketball season are announced. The freshman oratorical contest was held, with nine students advancing to the next round. The Mandolin and Glee Clubs are hard at work practicing for their spring trip

Dickinsonian Front Page

A Week of Prayer is observed by the college.  A student proposes that the college implement the Honor System.

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A complete layout for the proposed Honor System is to be voted upon by the student body. The Phi Delta Theta Fraternity held its annual dance in Metzger Hall. The Contemporary Club attempted to take a sleigh ride, but unfortunate circumstances...

Dickinsonian Front Page

The freshman class participated in the annual Washington Birthday “pee-rade.” The students wore elaborate costumes portraying many different characters. Kappa Sigma held its fifth annual mid-winter dance in Metzger Hall.

Dickinsonian Front Page

The senior class wins the Inter-Class Series in basketball. The Union Philosophical debate team won in the twenty-third annual inter-society debate in Bosler Hall. Their argument supported the notion that the progress of America was indeed...

Dickinsonian Front Page

The Dickinson Debate Team wins against F&M, but loses against Penn State. The YMCA elects new officers. The Sigma Chi fraternity held their annual winter dance in Metzger Hall. The Union Philosophical Society elected their...

Dickinsonian Front Page

The baseball season opens up with a loss against Princeton, and a victory against West Point. The Musical Clubs went on their Spring Trip, performing in various locations throughout Pennsylvania. The Sigma Alpha Epsilon...

Dickinsonian Front Page

The baseball team loses against Lafayette. Chautauqua Week, a series of lectures, will be coming to Carlisle.

Dickinsonian Front Page

The baseball team loses to both Bucknell and Penn State. The senior class wins the Bosler Cup at the Inter-Class Track meet on Biddle Field. A successful Chautauqua Week comes to a close. Francis A. Dunn, a senior football star...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Mr. Andrew Oyler is hired as the new baseball coach. Robert B. Kistler will assume the role of Editor-in-Chief for the next issue of The Dickinsonian. Dickinson finished fourth at the Annual Relay Carnival at the...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Nisbet Day is celebrated with a trip to the cemetery and an inspiring memorial address. The sophomore class beat the freshman class at a tug-of-war. The results of a tennis tournament are given. Dickinson loses to Gettysburg at the Gettysburg...
