A salary raise received by College Treasurer John Woltjen draws stark criticism from faculty. Cannonball Adderly will give a concert Sept. 20th with music being a mix of jazz and soul. President Rubendall greets the incoming freshman class and stresses honesty at the 202nd Convocation. Registrar Paul Anderson will leave the College after five years of service. President Rubendall announces personnel shifts: John Woltjen, formally business manager and treasurer will now be treasurer, Barry Gaal will be business manager, and Robert Belyea will be comptroller. Departmental disagreement over Environmental Science 131/ 132 leads to the course being canceled for the upcoming year. New service club The Friends of Benjamin Rush begins its second year of service to the College and community with tutoring at area schools. The Washington Redskins began training at the College July 14th despite the National Football League players' strike. Director of Admissions Robert Howard leaves the College for a post at Colgate University. The fire in the Beta Theta Pi fraternity house leads to new fireproofing safety requirements. J. Larry Mench is the new directory of admissions. The Red Devil football team looks promising this year. Nine area colleges, including Dickinson, have come together to form Penn-Mar, an independent conference for woman's intercollegiate athletics.
