
The first portion of Hiester Muhlenberg's notebook while a student at Dickinson College consists of synopses of each book in Thucydides' "The History of the Peloponnesian War."

Hiester Muhlenberg's notebook consists of synopses of each book in Thucydides' "The History of the Peloponnesian War" as well as in-depth notes on the text. Muhlenberg's notes also include references to specific pages in Thucydides' text.

Muhlenberg also wrote several journal entries in the notebook. On March 6, 1829 Muhlenberg explained how he was forced to abandon his studies and return home due to an illness. In the following entry on March 6, 1830, Muhlenberg stated his knowledge of his impending death, a confession of his sins, and prayed that God will save his soul. Muhlenberg, a member of the class of 1829, created this notebook as a student at Dickinson College.

A complete transcript for this notebook is not yet available. For more information about accessing this item, please contact the Archives staff.

Time Period
Gift of Bradford Harrison III
Hiester Muhlenberg's Notebook on "The History of the Peloponnesian War" by Thucydides