Thu., Nov. 3, 1983

BACCHUS (Boosting Alcohol Consciousness Concerning the Health of University Students) hosted an alcohol awareness week entitled "Truth About Spirits", in cooperation with Alcohol Education, starting Thursday, November 3rd, 1983. Although attendance was weak for several of the week's events, the organization felt the programs were a success. The group, which advocates responsible drinking on college campuses, opened the week's activities with a general information table in the HUB. Following events included film showings, lectures and workshops with Dr. Gerardo Gonzalez, the National President of BACCHUS.

Gonzalez pointed out that alcohol abuse was a leading national concern, and that "a viable program of alternatives must solve the problem before others solve it for us," emphasizing that students should keep their ability to make free choices regarding alcohol. According to Dickinson's BACCHUS president, Bryan Bushick, Dickinson students responded well to the week's events based on increased requests for the organization to do presentations. "For the first time," Bushick declared, "people know what BACCHUS is all about."