Class of 1902 outside Bosler Hall, 1899
The Class of 1902 outside Bosler Hall in 1899.
This image is #343 of the oversized photograph collection.
The Class of 1902 outside Bosler Hall in 1899.
This image is #343 of the oversized photograph collection.
The Class of 1902 takes a group photograph outside Denny Hall during the spring semester of their freshman year.
This image is #342 of the oversized photograph collection.
View of members of the Class of 1902 in front of the John Dickinson Campus.
Photograph of members of the Class of 1902 in front of Lloyd Hall.
The Class of 1902 outside of Bosler Hall in their caps and gowns in spring 1902.
This image is #165 of the oversized photograph collection.
Men from the Class of 1902 proudly hold the banner, "Twenty Years After - 1902", along with flags, canes, and signs at their 20th Reunion. They are all wearing pointed clown type hats.
Front row ninth from the right: J. Norris Myers
Members of the Class of 1902 fly flags in front of the Class of 1902 Gateway, which was dedicated in 1922, as they celebrate their 20th reunion. Old West is can be seen in the background.