Mermaid Players, "Street Scene," 1983

A scene from the Mermaid Players' production of Elmer Rice's Street Scene, which opened in Mathers Theatre on February 10, 1983.

Center: Kevin Doyle is in the white shirt ; Brad Bortner in the black suit

Right upper window: Brook Garrett (class of 1986) is in the argyle vest

A. Pierce Bounds
Photograph Archives
Events and Activities
Groups and Organizations

Mermaid Players, "Street Scene," 1983

A scene from the Mermaid Players' production of Elmer Rice's Street Scene, which opened in Mathers Theatre on February 10, 1983.

Left side: David L. Levitt (Class of 1983) is the policeman on the left while Brook Garrett is in the argyle sweater next to Levitt. Charlie Gullström is on the step behind Levitt.

Center, top step: Maureen Teague

Group of three near the center stage: Brad Bortner is in the black suit and Chris Russell is in the hat.

Back row center: Laurie Bacon ; Chip Meister (Class of 1984) is on the right of Bacon.

Right side: Kevin Doyle is on the right side wearing a vest while Rosemary Malague (Class of 1983) is in the black dress and black hat.  Lisa Anne French (Class of 1983) is standing in the background between Malague and Doyle.

Right side: Steve Carignan (Class of 1985) is the first policeman on the right while John Hart is behind Carignan in the white shirt. Mark Grosz is to the right of Hart in the cap.

Far Right: David Alterman (Class of 1983) is an old man wearing glasses.

A. Pierce Bounds
Slide Archives
Events and Activities
Groups and Organizations

"Shadow Box," c.1985

View of a scene in the student run production of Shadow Box in Anita Tuvin Schlechter Auditorium around 1985. Brian Keefer is the director.

Center: Kevin Doyle ('85)

Upstage center on platform: Pamela Waters ; Scott Sinning is sitting on the couch.

A. Pierce Bounds
Photograph Archives
Events and Activities
Academic Discipline