Letters from James Buchanan to John M. Read

James Buchanan writes to John M. Read regarding candidates for the Pennsylvania gubernatorial election of 1844 as well as how legislation on slavery is increasing sectional tensions.
James Buchanan writes to John M. Read regarding candidates for the Pennsylvania gubernatorial election of 1844 as well as how legislation on slavery is increasing sectional tensions.
Mary F. Thomson writes to Judge John M. Read, asking him to deliver a note to the Sixth National Bank of Philadelphia.
Mary F. Thomson writes to Judge John M. Read, asking him to visit her at home in Philadelphia.
Mary F. Thomson writes to Judge John M. Read, appending a note about a business error.
Carrie M. Thomson writes to Judge John Meredith Read about her family.
Carrie M. Thomson writes to Judge John Meredith Read, updating him on the health of her mother, who is recovering from a cough.
Carrie M. Thomson writes to Judge John Meredith Read, stating that she is happy he traveled safely during a recent trip and that her family is well.
Cora E. White thanks Pennsylvania Supreme Court Justice John Meredith Read for an "unexpected and most generous present."
Mary F. Thomson writes to Judge John M. Read, updating him on business and financial matters.
Carrie M. Thomson writes to Judge John Meredith Read about her family.
John W. Forney assures Pennsylvania Supreme Court Justice John Meredith Read that he both values and respects his opinions. Mr.
John Wien Forney writes to Judge John M. Read to address his concerns about certain newspaper articles. Forney notes that "both Genl [Ulysses] Grant and Mr.
Representative Henry Augustus Philip Muhlenberg writes to John Meredith Read, an attorney in Philadelphia, about various political intrigues and comments on James Buchanan's election to the United States Senate.
This collection contains the personal and legal papers of John Meredith Read, a Pennsylvania lawyer and state supreme court justice. The collection is housed in one document box and is divided into two categories: Correspondence and Legal and Financial Papers. The correspondence consists of letters sent to or from Read and his son, John M. Read, Jr.