"John and Mary's College" (Spahr Lectures Vol. 2)

"John and Mary's College" (Spahr Lectures Vol. 2)

Publisher: New York: Fleming H. Revell Company

Volume 2 of the Boyd Lee Spahr Lectures in Americana series includes essays from scholars that focus on various aspects of Dickinson College's history.

SC 378.748 D553b
Time Period

Newspaper Collection - Carlisle and Local, 1769-2001

The Eagle, or, Carlisle Herald - March 3, 1802
Date Range

The Carlisle and Local Newspaper Collection consists of various newspapers that were produced in south central Pennsylvania, or feature articles which concern local events. The newspapers are arranged alphabetically by title and then chronologically; a description of the contents and donor information for each newspaper are included in this inventory. In order to find newspapers dealing with particular individuals or events, a subject index has been included with the collection.

Carlisle and Local - Newspaper Collection 1769-2001