"John and Mary's College" (Spahr Lectures Vol. 2)

Publisher: New York: Fleming H. Revell Company
Volume 2 of the Boyd Lee Spahr Lectures in Americana series includes essays from scholars that focus on various aspects of Dickinson College's history.
Publisher: New York: Fleming H. Revell Company
Volume 2 of the Boyd Lee Spahr Lectures in Americana series includes essays from scholars that focus on various aspects of Dickinson College's history.
Continental Congressman John Dickinson writes to his colleague, James Wilson, and asks him to support General Charles Lee's request for financial assistance related to " his Estate being confiscated in England." "I do most earnestly beg of You to
John Dickinson writes Robert Magaw and asks him to conduct a "strict Enquiry" into "a [mortgage] by James Wilson Esquire on my Land near Carlisle." Transcript included.
James Wilson invites William Bingham to spend an hour the following evening visiting with him.
Author Robert Waln, Jr.
This legal notice, which is related to the case of Robert Urie v. Joseph Hudson, calls for the Sheriff of Cumberland County to collect the debt that Hudon owes Urie.
James Wilson, United States Supreme Court Justice and signer of the Declaration of Independence, writes to Francis Hopkinson, Judge of the Court of Admiralty of Pennsylvania, regarding the Brigantine Ariel. Transcript included.
James Wilson, United States Supreme Court Justice and signer of the Declaration of Independence, writes to United States Treasurer Samuel Meredith. Wilson requests the immediate payment of his month's salary. Transcript included.
James Wilson writes a love letter to Miss Hannah Grey and explains that he will not be able to visit her in Boston as he had hoped.
James Wilson sends this promissory note to James McNeal for a sum of roughly 627 pounds. Transcript included.
A check from the Bank of the United States to James Wilson for $1,000.
James Wilson's promissory note to George Harrison for $1700 that has to be paid within sixty days. Transcript included.
Francis Mowing Jr. sells James Wilson 400 acres of land in Bedford County, Pennsylvania. Transcript included.
Attorney James Wilson prepares this legal document about auditing accounts for the case of Stevenson & Thompson v. Ross & Cole.
Dickinson College Trustee James Wilson writes to William Bingham regarding a loan Wilson seeks from an unspecified Mr. Lettsom.
Attorney James Wilson writes to Jasper Yeates and discusses upcoming cases he will try in Cumberland, York, and Northumberland counties. Wilson also announces the birth of his son.
James Wilson sends this note to Thomas Fitzsimons for a sum of $4500.
James Wilson sends this promissory note to Henry Lee for a sum of $5,748.14. Transcript included.
After James Wilson sells land in Pennsylvania (tract no. 5055) to Dr. Benjamin Rush on April 19, 1794, Dr. Rush sells that property to a Richard Stockton of New Jersey on May 28, 1794. John C.
The Carlisle and Local Newspaper Collection consists of various newspapers that were produced in south central Pennsylvania, or feature articles which concern local events. The newspapers are arranged alphabetically by title and then chronologically; a description of the contents and donor information for each newspaper are included in this inventory. In order to find newspapers dealing with particular individuals or events, a subject index has been included with the collection.