Waidner-Spahr Library Mug, c.1998
A white ceramic mug with a red design of the library with "Waidner-Spahr Library" on one side. The other side has the Dickinson College seal with the words "Dickinson College, Carlisle, PA ".
A white ceramic mug with a red design of the library with "Waidner-Spahr Library" on one side. The other side has the Dickinson College seal with the words "Dickinson College, Carlisle, PA ".
A white, ceramic mug with a black design of the library. The words "Boyd Lee Spahr Library" are written below. On the back is the College seal and the words "Dickinson College, Carlisle, PA".
A white, ceramic mug with a red and black design of a "D" with a devil's tail. Below the letter are the words "Red Devils Dickinson".
The plaque that was dedicated to the Phi Epsilon Pi Fraternity was made out of wood and metal. It is in the shape of a shield and in the center is "In Appreciation from the Phi Epsion Pi Iota Sorority for Your Help with Our Chapter" since Phi Epsion Pi Iota Sorority had just formed.
A red and yellow cloth Soviet flag obtained during John Carr's year studying abroad. Carr is a member of the Class of 1974.
A foam brown and yellow lion toy distributed at Homecoming/Family Weekend in 2007 in celebration of John Dickinson's 275th birthday. "Happy 275th Birthday John Dickinson" is printed in white on the back of the lion's brown mane.
A corkscrew made of black plastic with a red plastic sheath printed with "Dickinson College Class of 1998 Senior Class Gift Drive" and Dickinson's 225th anniversary logo in black.
A red and white nylon collapsible frisbee and pouch with the college compass rose insignia and text " '82 Rocks on Morgan Rocks 25th Reunion" printed in black in the center of the frisbee. This was distributed for the Class of 1982's 25th reunion.
A collector's card distributed by Murad Cigarette company as a part of the College Series still in its original plastic packaging. The front of the card features a colored drawing of a Dickinson male athlete along with a white pennant banner with "Dickinson" in red and the college's insignia in red and white and gold details. A border with "Murad" printed in red and gold goes around the drawing. On the back is a list of all the colleges featured in the College Series with a title of 'Murad Cigarettes, "The Metropolitan Standard", College Series 26-50 2nd Edition' printed in black. "S. Anargyros. A corporation factory No. 7. 3rd Dist. N. Y." is printed in black on the bottom.
A white plastic frisbee with a design logo of West College's cupola with "Dickinson College Alumni Weekend" in red and white. Below the logo is "Class of 1978 25th Reunion Weekend June 6-8, 2003" in red.
A grey rectangular foam and cloth mouse pad with the Dickinson College compass insignia in the center, printed in blue and white. "Class of 2000, Supporting the Dickinson Fund, www.dickinson,edu" is printed above and below the insignia in blue.
A red plastic frisbee with "Dickinson College Class of 1993" printed in black across the surface. This was distributed at the Class of 1993's 5th year reunion.
A gold trimmed paper certificate mounted on a wooden plaque with a silver hammer affixed to it from the Cumberland Valley Habitat for Humanity. It was awarded to the Dickinson College Habitat Chapter in recognition of their time and talent. "In Recognition of Your Generous Contribution and Your Time and Talent" written in black within the Habitat for Humanity logo in the upper right corner. In the lower left hand corner "Cumberland Valley Habitat for Humanity extends deep appreciate to Dickinson College Habitat Chapter February 9, 2004" in gold and black lettering.
A gold trimmed paper certificate mounted on a wooden plaque with a black hammer affixed to it from the Cumberland Valley Habitat for Humanity. Given to Dickinson College in recognition of their outstanding service for the Carlisle community. "In Recognition of Your Generous Contribution" is written in black within the Habitat for Humanity logo in the top right corner. In the bottom left corner "Cumberland Valley Habitat for Humanity extends deep appreciation to Dickinson College January 8, 2001" is written in black and blue.
A round white metal button with Dickinson's 225th anniversary red and white logo of Old West with "Science at Dickinson 1-800-644-1773" in red below it.
A round white metal button with the college's compass rose insignia and "Science at Dickinson" in red.
A round white metal button with "I love (red heart symbol) Carlisle" in black lettering.
Two round white metal pins with the image of West College in red and the text "Dickinson 1773-1998 Celebrating 225 Years" in white and black.
Two rectangular buttons from the 2004 presidential election campaign. "Rush the Vote, Dickinson College 2004" is printed in white around the picture of the statue of Benjamin Rush. "Your Vote Counts" is printed in red in a circle on the lower left corner.
A flat white magnet with a black window design, printed with "Dickinson Alumni Weekend, June 11-13, 1999, 1-800-543-3809" in red.
Thirteen round metal buttons of various size featuring the annual Public Affairs Symposium title and dates. Two buttons for the United Nations Symposium (1995), three buttons for the Environment Symposium (1990), one button for the PAS Sport Symposium (1987), two buttons for the American Education Symposium (1988), one button for the Contemporary Family (1989), two buttons for the Media Symposium (1994), and two buttons for the Poverty in America Symposium (1992).
Three teal and white round metal buttons with "1991, Metzger-Conway Series, October 16-18" in white and grey.
A silver metal button with "Coro Stelutis/Bologna" in red over a white flower in the background. It was given as a gift from the Bolognese choir in 1983.
A plaque with a wooden and gold trimmed frame awarded to Douglas Pauls for excellence in fraternity participation. "Inter-Fraternity Merit Scholarship Award for Excellence in Fraternity Participation Scholarship Achievement and Campus Involvement at Dickinson College" engraved on gold name plate at the top of the plaque with "Douglas Pauls 1979-1980" engraved on a golden name plate below.