Benjamin Rush tankard, 1806
This Georgian silver mug belonged to Benjamin Rush. It was made in London in 1806.
This Georgian silver mug belonged to Benjamin Rush. It was made in London in 1806.
A tall beer mug made of glass. It has a red design of the doors of Old West and the words "Dickinson College Congratulations Class of 1993" on one side.
Pewter cup with no handles, engraved with college seal and “The John Dickinson Society 1988.”
Zeta Tau Alpha sorority ashtray from 1953. The text on the ashtray reads "Winter Formal '53"
Brass door knob from the west entrance to East College.
Wedgwood plaque of Joseph Priestley medallion.
White ceramic jar with Denny Hall image on lid.
Glass beer mug with a picture of the Old Stone Steps and doors of West College and “Dickinson College, Congratulations Class of 1994" printed in red on the side.
White ceramic mug with "Masland for the 199th" in blue, and blue magnet with white lettering of identical design.
White plastic cup with "Natural Highs" listed on each side.
While ceramic beer mug with gold trim around the lip. Printed in red, one side features a school with the words "Alumni Weekend '00" and a mermaid. The other side has the college seal and "1975, 25 Years, 2000" printed around the seal.
Pint glass with a red and white "D" and "10th Reunion, Dickinson College, 1996" in red printed on the side.
Glass beer mug with a picture of the Old Stone Steps and doors of West College and "Dickinson College, Class of 1996" printed in red on the side.