Silver Candlesticks (2 pairs)

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00585
Shelf 36

Two pairs of decorative silver candlesticks. One pair is Sheffield candlesticks and the other is Gorham silver candlesticks. These objects were donated in memory of Charles Frederick Mayer (Class of 1812 and Trustee 1834-36), great-great-grandfather of Anne Mayer Zug.


Horse Show Trophy, 2001

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00615
Shelf 36

A trophy won by the Dickinson College Equestrian Team at the Wilson College Intercollegiate Horse Show for Reserve Champion. Attached to the black, white, blue and gold trophy is a red, yellow and white award ribbon.


Trophy, 1996

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00618
Shelf 36

A black and gold plastic trophy from the Pennsylvania State Individual Events Championships Sweepstakes. On the base is a black plaque with text engraved in gold that reads "1996 PENNSYLVANIA INDIVIDUAL EVENTS CHAMPIONSHIPS SWEEPSTAKES SIXTH PLACE". Attached to the base are two black and gold columns and a gold "96". Above that stands another base with three figures on top, two are small eagles and the center figurine is a large winged victory figure.


Mock Trial Trophy, 2002

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00614
Shelf 36

A small black and gold plastic trophy given to the Dickinson Mock Trial team by the American Mock Trial Association at a competition in 2002 in which the team received an honorable mention. The engraved gold plaque on the base reads "2002 American Tournament Honorable Mention". At the top of the trophy is a gold attachment that features a medallion with the text "AMERICAN MOCK TRIAL ASSOCIATION 1985" around the picture of a balance standing on the outline of the United States.


Mock Trial Tournament Trophy, 2003

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00616
Shelf 36

A black and gold plastic trophy won for sixth place by the Dickinson Mock Trial Team at the 2003 American Intercollegiate Mock Trial Tournament.The engraved text on the gold plaque on the base reads "2003 American Intercollegiate Mock Trial Tournament Sixth Place". At the top of the statue is a gold attachment featuring a medallion with the text "AMERICAN MOCK TRIAL ASSOCIATION 1985" around the picture of a balance sitting on the outline of the United States.


Trophy, 1998

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00617
Shelf 36

A black and gold plastic and wood trophy for the Pennsylvania State Individual Events Association Sweepstakes. On the wood base is a black plaque with the text "PENNSYLVANIA STATE INDIVIDUAL EVENTS ASSOCIATION SWEEPSTAKES SIXTH PLACE" engraved in gold. A gold plaque mounted on the base with the text "1998 STATE CHAMPIONSHIP" in black within the outline of the state of Pennsylvania, in between two black and gold columns holding up another wooden base with figurines attached to the top. Two of the gold plastic figurines are small eagles, one with a wing missing, and the one large figurine in the center is a winged victory figure with a wreath.
