Steven Leshner sitting at the Dignity/Central PA booth at Pride Festival of Central PA - July 31, 1994
This is a photo of Steven Leshner sitting at Dignity/Central PA's booth during the Pride Festival of Central PA, held on July 31, 1994 at Reservoir Park in Harrisburg, PA. This picture is found on page 33 of the PDF of the Dignity/Central PA Scrapbook.
Dignity/Central PA is a forum for human concerns, a place of seeking for greater self, knowledge, and wisdom, an affirmation of one's sexual orientation in faith, and personal ministry. This scrapbook was created by Steven Leshner, a member of Dignity/Central PA, and includes mostly photos, unless otherwise noted, of annual picnics, events, and members, like those of founder Jerry Brennan and Father Wallace Sawdy.