
About Timeline

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Fri., May 14, 1915 Dickinson Adopts Honor System
Sat., Jun. 5, 1915 Dramatic Club Presents "A Midsummer Night's Dream"
Sun., Jun. 6, 1915 1915 Baccalaureate
Wed., Jun. 9, 1915 1915 Commencement
Thu., Dec. 2, 1915 Humorist Thomas Daily visits campus
Thu., Feb. 10, 1916 Forrest Craver becomes the head coach of Dickinson Football
Wed., Mar, 1, 1916 Capt. James Gordon Steese speaks to the students
Wed., Mar. 8, 1916 Inter-Collegiate Debate 1916
Sat., Apr. 29, 1916 Armenian fugitive Dr. Sargis lectures
Wed., Jun. 7, 1916 1916 Commencement
Tue., Feb. 20, 1917 Dramatic Association Presents "What Happened to Jones"
Thu., Apr. 5, 1917 Students request Drillmaster
Fri., Apr, 6, 1917 Training of students begins
Thu., May 10, 1917 President Morgan outlines wartime situation
Sat., Jun. 2, 1917 1917 Commencement Concert
Mon., Jun. 4, 1917 1917 Commencement
Thu., Oct, 4, 1917 Mandatory military drill begins
Thu., Jan, 10, 1918 Trickett Hall enters use
Wed., Apr, 17, 1918 Death of Dr. James Rusling
Mon., May 13, 1918 1918 Commencement
Mon., May 13, 1918 Stanley Dunbar Embick '97 Receives Honorary Degree
Mon., May 13, 1918 Eben Swift '73 Receives Honorary Degree
Wed., Jan. 29, 1919 Dr. Jones Gives Lecture
Thu., Feb. 13, 1919 Prof. Hutton lectures on the aftermath of World War I
Thu., Feb. 20, 1919 Northfield Summer Conference Plans Fellowship Campaign
Tue., Feb. 25, 1919 Series of Talks for Week of Prayer
Tue., Feb. 25, 1919 1919 Week of Prayer
Thu., Mar. 6, 1919 Freshmen Win the Button Game
Fri., Mar. 7, 1919 Sergeant Sheaffer Talks about His Army Experience
Fri., Mar. 14, 1919 Ye Olde Fashioned Singin' Skewl
Wed., Mar. 26, 1919 Dickinson wins debate against Lafayette
Thu., Mar. 27, 1919 Freshmen Stage Battle Royal
Tue., Apr. 1, 1919 Dr. Lamberton Gives a Lecture
Thu., Apr. 3, 1919 Rev. Yard Addresses the Student Body
Thu., Apr. 10, 1919 Dickinson Aids West China University
Fri., May 9, 1919 Dickinsonian Appointed to the College Church
Fri., May 9, 1919 Dickinson Hosts YMCA Convention
Fri., May 9, 1919 Rev. James Skillington is appointed college pastor
Fri., May 16, 1919 YMCA meeting at Dickinson
Mon., May 19, 1919 Life Work Week
Fri., Jun. 6, 1919 Dr. Soper Speaks on the Far East
Thu., Jun. 12, 1919 1919 Oratorical Contest
Thu., Jun. 19, 1919 Sophomore and Junior Oratorical Contests 1919
Fri., Jun. 20, 1919 1919 Commencement
Sat., Jun. 21, 1919 Dramatic Club Presents "As You Like It"
Mon., Jun. 23, 1919 Josephus Daniels Gives Address
Fri., Jan. 16, 1920 Campus Club is organized
Fri., Jun. 11, 1920 1920 Commencement Concert
Sat., Jun. 12, 1920 Dramatic Club Presents "Sherwood"
Mon., Jun. 14, 1920 1920 Commencement
