"John and Mary's College" (Spahr Lectures Vol. 2)

"John and Mary's College" (Spahr Lectures Vol. 2)

Publisher: New York: Fleming H. Revell Company

Volume 2 of the Boyd Lee Spahr Lectures in Americana series includes essays from scholars that focus on various aspects of Dickinson College's history.

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Time Period

Letter from Charles Nisbet to John Dickinson

Letter from Charles Nisbet to John Dickinson
December 18, 1784

Dickinson College President Charles Nisbet writes to John Dickinson lamenting the "divisions that distract" the United States. He also acknowledges the honor bestowed upon him by Dickinson and the trustees of Dickinson College.

MC 2001.13, B1, F5
Time Period

Letters from John Dickinson to Benjamin Rush

Letters from John Dickinson to Benjamin Rush

John Dickinson writes ten letters to Benjamin Rush on a number of different topics, including the administrative affairs of Dickinson College, the state of political affairs in the United States, political philosophy, and the death of Dickinson's

MC 2001.13
Time Period

Letter from John Dickinson to Caesar Rodney

Letter from John Dickinson to Caesar Rodney
May 21, 1779

Continental Congressman John Dickinson asks Caesar Rodney, President of Delaware, to convey a resolution to the Council of Assembly. The resolution dictates a state payment of forty-five hundred thousand dollars to the Continental Treasury.

MC 2001.13, B1, F2
Time Period

Warrant for Soldier’s Pay from John Dickinson for Isaac Vanhorne

Warrant for Soldier’s Pay from John Dickinson for Isaac Vanhorne
October 6, 1783
President of Pennsylvania John Dickinson signs this warrant to pay Captain Isaac Vanhorne, of the Pennsylvania Line, for his service as a soldier during the Revolutionary War. David Rittenhouse, Esquire, is listed on the document as the treasurer.
Time Period

Warrant for Soldier’s Pay from John Dickinson for Edward Coyle

Warrant for Soldier’s Pay from John Dickinson for Edward Coyle
August 14, 1784
President of Pennsylvania John Dickinson signs this warrant to pay Edward Coyle, a Corporal in the 11th Regiment of the Pennsylvania Line, for his service as a soldier during the Revolutionary War.
Time Period

Warrant for Soldier’s Pay from John Dickinson for Edward Coyle

Warrant for Soldier’s Pay from John Dickinson for Edward Coyle
August 14, 1784

President of Pennsylvania John Dickinson signs this warrant to pay Edward Coyle, a Corporal in the 11th Regiment of the Pennsylvania Line, for his service as a soldier during the Revolutionary War.

Time Period