Lawrence Kritzman delivers Morgan Lecture

Date of Event
Mon., Jan. 31, 2001

Dr. Lawrence Kritzman, the Ted and Helen Geisel Third Century Professor of Humanities at Dartmouth College, delivered the 2001 Morgan Lecture titled "The Intellectual Diaspora in Europe: Jacques Derida & Julia Kristeva" on January 31. Professor Kritzman also participated in a round table discussion titled "The Future of Cultural Studies in Academe" as well as an event that allowed informal conversation with students and faculty.

"The Limbo Election: When Will End?" Panel Discussion

Date of Event
Wed., Nov. 15, 2000

Dickinson College faculty and students participated in a panel discussion titled "The Limbo Election: When Will It End?" on November 15. This event, which was held in the Carlisle Theater, was co-sponsored by the Carlisle Theater, The Sentinel, the Political Science Department, the Political Science Majors Committee, and the Clarke Center.

Debate on the Cold War's Impact

Date of Event
Thu., Oct. 26, 2000

Paul Boyer (Director of the Institute for Research in the Humanities at the University of Wisconsin) and JoAnne Brown (Associate Dean and History Professor at Dickinson College) debated the Cold War's impact on October 26, 2000. This event, which sponsored by the Clarke Center and held in Memorial Hall, was titled "Fear, Security and the Apocalyptic World View: The Cold War's Cultural Impact and Legacy."

U.S. Senate Town Meeting

Date of Event
Tue., Oct. 24, 2000

Representative Ron Klink and Senator Rick Santorum participated in a Town Hall debate held in the Anita Tuvin Schlechter Auditorium on October 24, 2000. Dale Davenport, from the Patriot News, served as moderator of the debate. This event was co-sponsored by the Patriot News, Carlisle Area Chamber of Commerce, and the Clarke Center. 

2000 Flaherty Lecture

Date of Event
Tue., Sep. 19, 2000

Dr. James C. Scott (Yale University) delivered the Donald W. Flaherty lecture, titled "Why Civilizations Can't Climb Hills: Hill and Valley Relations in Southeast Asia." The event, which was held in Rubendall Recital Hall, was co-sponsored by the Department of East Asian Studies and the Clarke Center. 

"Reproduction Under Colonial Slavery: Ideologies and Experiences" Lecture

Date of Event
Thu., Sep. 14, 2000

Professor Jennifer Morgan, a Professor of Women's Studies & History at Rutgers University, delivered a lecture titled "Reproduction Under Colonial Slavery: Ideologies and Experiences" in Old West. This event was co-sponsored by Community Studies, the English Department, Women's Studies, the Office of Multicultural Affairs, African Table, the Office of the Dean, the History Department, the Sociology Department, and the Clarke Center. 

5th Annual Ethics Symposium

Date of Event
Wed., Apr. 5, 2000

The 5th Annual Ethics Symposium with the subject "Dying: the Final Passage" was held in Anita Tuvin Schlechter Auditorium. In addition to the keynote address "Framing a Policy Issue Productively: How to Improve Care for Those Sick Enough to Die," the symposium also featured multiple panel discussions. Participants included Joanne Lynn (Class of 1970), Professor James Hoefler, Cheryl Pendergrass (Class of 2000), Lois Beer Dunovant, Greg Lewis, Timothy Quill, James Browning, John Daniel Mindling, Leah Wald Zollman, and Sandy Morris.

Panel discussion on travel experiences in the U.S. and abroad

Date of Event
Thu., Apr. 13, 2000

A panel discussion titled "Eye Openers: Life Changing Experiences in the United States and Abroad" was held in Denny 317. It featured Dickinson students Melanie Dean ('01), Caroline Freese ('00), and Maureen McIlhaney ('00) and was moderated by Professor Janet Wright. The discussion was sponsored by the Clarke Center. 

2000 Flaherty Lecture

Date of Event
Wed., Mar. 1, 2000

Professor Laurence Kominz (Portland State University) delivered the 2000 Flaherty Lecture, which was titled "The Stars of Kabuki: Edo and Today," on March 1. The event, which was held in Rubendall Recital Hall, was co-sponsored by the Donald W. Flaherty Lecture Fund and the Clarke Center. 

2000 Benjamin Rush Award Lecture

Date of Event
Tue., Mar. 7, 2000
J. Bruce McKinney, the recipient of the Benjamin Rush Award, delivered a lecture titled "Liberal Arts and the Business of Entertainment: Coasters, Concerts and the Corporate Cookie" in Memorial Hall on March 7, 2000. McKinney, the Chairman of the Board of Hershey Entertainment & Resorts Company, was a member of the Class of 1959. The talk was co-sponsored by the Department of International Business and Management and the Clarke Center.