"Getting to Know Letort Spring Run" Lecture

Date of Event
Fri., Apr. 25, 1997

Senior Stephanie Comastro delivered a lecture based on her research titled "Getting to Know Letort Spring Run: A Year Long Study of Diatoms as Biological Water Indicators" in a Holland Union Building side room as part of the "Celebrate Earth Week!" event. This was co-sponsored by Earth Now, Student Senate, ALLARM, Big Springs Recycling Group, Environmental Science Department, and the Clarke Center.

Mexican Politics and Economics Lecture

Date of Event
Thu., Apr. 10, 1997

Dr. Jorge Castaneda, a leading expert on Mexican Politics and Economics, delivered the keynote address of the Latin American Studies Symposium on April 10 in Memorial Hall. Dr. Castaneda's lecture, titled "Mexico: The Politics and Economy of Today and Tomorrow," was co-sponsored by the Clarke Center and the Latin American Studies Department. 

Panel Discussion on Cloning

Date of Event
Wed., Mar. 26, 1997

The Biology Department and the Clarke Center co-sponsored a panel discussion on "Cloning: Scientific Breakthrough or Breakdown?," which was held during Common Hour on March 26 in the Anita Tuvin Schlechter Auditorium. The panelists included Professors Michael Roberts, John Henson, Susan Feldman, David Albright, Marisa Cole, Kim Kendal, and Janet Wright.

"Tibet: Defining the Issue Will China Surrender Tibet?" Lecture

Date of Event
Thu., Feb. 6, 1997

Dr. Warren Smith, an author and activist, delivered a lecture titled "Tibet: Defining the Issue Will China Surrender Tibet?" in Memorial Hall, Old West on February 6. This event was co-sponsored by Students for a Free Tibet, the Clarke Center, the East Asian Department, and the Religion Department.

Gennady Zyuganov on "The Future of Democracy in Russia"

Date of Event
Wed., Feb. 19, 1997

Gennady Zyuganov, the leader of the Communist Party of Russia, gave a lecture entitled "The Future of Democracy in Russia" in the Anita Tuvin Schlechter Auditorium on February 19. This event was part of the Public Affairs Symposium (PAS) and was sponsored by the Department of Russian Area Studies and the Clarke Center.

"The Struggle for in the Middle East: Water and Peace" Lecture

Date of Event
Tue., Jan. 28, 1997

The Arava Institute for Environmental Studies organized a lecture titled "The Struggle for in the Middle East: Water and Peace," which featured student delegations from Israel, Jordan, and Canada. This event, which took place in Old West on January 28, 1997, was sponsored by the Clarke Center.

Earth Issues Practitioners Roundtable

Date of Event
Fri., Nov. 15, 1996

Diane Alwine (Hershey Foods Corp.), Lee Epstein (Chesapeake Bay Foundation), Lori Sandman (Rodale Institutute), and Kevin Orth (Environmental Artist) participated in a round-table discussion as part of the Clarke Center's Environmental Sustainability Symposium. This event took place on November 15, 1996 in the Holland Union Building Social Hall.

Discussion on Protecting Natural Resources

Date of Event
Thu., Nov. 14, 1996

Ben Goldman, the former executive director of the Citizens Network for Sustainable Development, and Steve Tasher, Vice President of Environmental Affairs at American Home Products, discussed protecting natural resources during an event held in Memorial Hallon November 14, 1996. This event was part of the Clarke Center's Environmental Sustainability Symposium.

"Creating a Sustainable Future: The Role of Science" Lecture

Date of Event
Wed., Nov. 13,1996

Dr. Mary Barber, the director of the Sustainable Biosphere Initiative of the Ecological Society of America, gave a talk titled "Creating a Sustainable Future: The Role of Science" as part of the Clarke Center's Environmental Sustainable Symposium. The event was held in the Anita Tuvin Schlechter Auditorium on November 13, 1996.