Students Hold Letter-Writing Campaign in Response to Rodney King Verdict

Date of Event
Mon, May 4, 1992

After the acquittal of four Los Angeles police officers in a trial concerning an attack on Rodney King, the Dickinson Student Senate provided financial support for a letter-writing campaign to United States Attorney General Thomas Barr. Approximately 400-500 postcards were sent to the Attorney General.

Students Support Gulf War Troops in "Operation Morgan Love"

Date of Event
Thu., Feb. 28, 1991

Jenny Massengale, a Resident Advisor in Morgan Hall, starts a support-the-troops campaign after her fiancé is called up from the Army Reserves to serve in Operation Desert Storm. The campaign, called "Operation Morgan Love," included a letter-writing campaign, a common hour panel, and the distribution of yellow ribbons.

Mock Presidential Election

Date of Event
Thu., Oct. 27, 1932

On October 27, 1932, The Dickinsonian published the results of a poll it had conducted among the students concerning their choice for the U.S. presidency.  Of 218 votes cast, 152 were for Hoover, 38 were for Roosevelt, and 27 were for Thomas, the socialist candidate.  The Dickinsonian felt obliged to explain Hoover's win as the result of either complacency on the side of his opponents or the staunch Republicanism of Pennsylvanians.

James Morgan Read Speaks on International Relations

Date of Event
Wed., Jan. 6, 1932

Sponsored by the German Club, James Morgan Read, '29, addressed faculty, students, and townspeople in the YMCA room of Old West.  He compared the cultural interests of German and American students, arguing that the two groups should know more about each other's activities.  He also spoke of the plight of Germany due to reparations from WWI.

Prof. Thomas Speaks on Germany and U.S.

Date of Event
Tue., Dec. 8, 1931

Professor C. R. W. Thomas addressed the Belles Lettres Society on Tuesday, December 8th, at the Sigma Alpha Epsilon house.  He argued that Germany and the U.S. were equally nationalistic in different ways and that "the present Hitlerite movement" in Germany, which he did not support, was nevertheless the "natural and logical development of the economic and political conditions in Germany these past ten years."

Model Disarmament Conference

Date of Event
Fri., Dec. 4, 1931

Five Dickinson students and two faculty advisors represented Germany at a model disarmament conference held at Bucknell University from December 4th to December 6th.  The conference was modeled after one planned to be held at Geneva in February.  The students agreed on a total abolition of military aircraft, a 25% reduction in naval armaments, and the complete abolition of chemical weapons.