Haiti Benefit Concert Takes Place at Carlisle Theatre

Date of Event
Sat., Feb. 27, 2010

A concert to benefit survivors of the January 2010 Haitian earthquake raised $17,124.42. Performers included the D-Tones, Infernos, Octals, Syrens, Dance Theater Group, Synergy, Hypnotic, Third Degree, Run With It, and local groups REACH! and the Central Pennsylvania Youth Ballet.

Recap on West Point Conference from December 6th

Date of Event
Wed., Dec. 6, 1950

One of the student delegates that attended the conference, Moorad Mooradian, described the accomplishments of the Second West Point Conference on United States Affairs at the Military Academy. The conference was sponsored by the Academy at West Point and the Carnegie foundation. According to Mooradian, the conference tested the instructional values and possibilities of conference programs at an undergraduate level, to compare the faculty and undergraduate level, and to create foreign policies for the United States in the Far East.

Chinese Leader Discusses Shift of Political Center in China

Date of Event
Tue., Oct. 03, 1950
Mr. L. E. Tsao discussed China’s position post-World World II and the Korean War. Tsao served as a United Nations Secretariat, editor of an economic magazine, a humanitarian, and the President of University of Peiping. He discussed that America could not be separated from Asia due to war that has left Europe divided. The Soviet Union and the United States are struggling for world leadership when it used to be England and France struggling for world leadership. Furthermore, he notes the United States making repeated mistakes in their relationship with China Nationalist and Communist parties.

Two Students attend Conference on US Affairs at West Point

Date of Event
Thu., Dec. 5, 1963

Former Secretary of State Dean Acheson spoke at the Fourteenth Student Conference on United States Affairs, which was held at West Point from December 5 to December 8. Two Dickinson students, Jim Gauntt and Glenn Wilcox, attended in the conference and regarded Acheson's speech as the highlight of the event. During the conference students participated in round-table discussions that were chaired by scholars and advised by experts in the field.

Faculty and Students react to the death of Martin Luther King

Date of Event
Thu., Apr. 4, 1968

Both faculty and students reacted strongly to the news of Reverend Martin Luther King's assassination on April fourth, 1968, expressing sorrow, dismay, shame and fear.

Dickinson College President Howard Lane Rubendall expressed sympathy for King's family said April fourth would remain a "fateful day in American history." In a further statement following the announcement of King's death, he said "The finest tribute we can pay to this truly great man is a personal commitment to work for the high goals to which he gave his life, and to work in his spirit of non-violence."

Lisa Dukakis Visits

Date of Event
Thu., Apr. 21, 1988

The Dickinson College Democrats and the Political Science Department sponsored a visit from Lisa Dukakis, daughter-in-law of Michael Dukakis then Governor of Massachusetts and hopeful Presidential candidate. Lisa Dukakis spoke to students on Thursday, April 21st, asking students to help with campaigning for her father-in-law. Lisa Dukakis acted as his southern finance coordinator for the campaign. The event allowed for the students of Dickinson to hear more about the campaign and to come together and discuss a political movement and campaign. 

State Department's Davis outlines Nuclear Arms Control

Date of Event
Mon., Feb. 13, 1984

Richard A. Davis, former Deputy Director of the Office of Strategic Nuclear Policy, U.S. Department of State, discussed Nuclear Arms Control in the Public Affairs Symposium on February 13, 1984. In his discussion, Davis outlined the then current United States policy regarding the Strategic Arms Reduction Talks (START) with the Soviet Union.

Armenian fugitive Dr. Sargis lectures

Date of Event
Sat., Apr. 29, 1916

Dr. Jacob Sargis, a fugitive from the Ottoman Empire, gave a lecture to students on the horrible atrocities being committed by the Ottomans against the Armenian population. Dr. Sargis was an American Methodist missionary. In what would later be known as the Armenian Genocide around 1.5 million Armenians were killed by the Ottoman government. Dr. Sargis also lectured about the current global conflict. This was one of the first written acknowledgements of the First World War in the Dickinsonian.

1854 Election Day

Date of Event
Tue., Oct. 10, 1854

Elections were held in Pennsylvania, and Whig candidate Lemuel Todd was elected to the House of Representatives for District 16.  Dickinson student Horatio C. King, Class of 1858, reported on Oct. 10, "Election day in Pennsylvania.  Much excitement in town. ... It is rumored that Todd is elected to Congress."  The next day, he wrote, "Listened to the serenade given by the now Hon. Mr Todd.  Had a glorious time.  [Whig candidate James] Pollock is elected Governor and Todd for Congress."

Religious Association Begins WWII Food Drive

Date of Event
Tue., Mar. 11, 1941

The Dickinson College Religious Association began a drive to raise funds for food for war-weary residents of England and unoccupied France.  The Association asked every student to donate one penny per meal eaten for the extent of the drive.  The money was to be given to the Friends Service Fund for use in procuring and transporting food.

Draft Registration Event

Date of Event
Wed., Oct. 16, 1940

The specially-formed Dickinson College Registration Board held a draft registration event in the McCauley Room on Wednesday, October 16, 1940.  The event was held to help the students and faculty of the College comply with the recently-passed Burke-Wadsworth Selective Service Bill.  Ninety-two students and seven faculty members registered at the event.  The Registration Board consisted of four WWI veterans: college treasurer Gilbert Malcolm and Professors E. A. Vuilleumier, W. H. Norcross, and Ralph W. Schecter.